Thursday, October 1, 2015

COMMENTARY: Israel - the Apple of God's Eye* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2148
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
SPECIAL NOTICE: Israel Today editor Ryan Jones will be in Australia late November to early December and is available to speak at your congregation or other gathering in either New South Wales or Victoria.

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Bethlehem Church Burns; No One Cares
If Jews aren't involved, attacks on Christians in the Holy Land don't seem to interest the international community
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COMMENTARY: Israel - the Apple of God's Eye
Jesus suggests that the generation witnessing Israel's restoration, along with other signs of the times, would see his return
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Israel Today magazine offers more than just the daily online news...
InterNations conducted an international survey of "The most family-friendly countries in the world". When you think of all the dangers of everyday life in Israel it would not seem obvious that Israel is one of the best countries in the world to raise children. Who would have thought that?
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Egyptian Activist: Arabs Are Jealous of Israel
Outspoken Egyptian says conflict is not really about land, but rooted in Arab envy of Israel's strength and accomplishments
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Transition: From pro-Palestinian to pro-Israel
Wave: What dangers does the flood of refugees hold for Europe?
Effect: How important is the Bible for Israelis?
Knowledge: Why are Palestinian Christians against Israel?
The latest issue of Israel Today Magazine is now available! Get it now... Don't miss out!
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