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SGTreport. from Journeyman Pictures, via Global Research: Vast new cities
are being built across China at a rate of ten a year, but they remain almost
completely uninhabited ghost towns. Racing to stay ahead of the world economy,
is the superpower about to implode? There are around 64 million empty
CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. It has come
to my attention that people are seeing the number sequence 444 in dreams,
visions, on their clocks, license plates, receipt totals, and everywhere! The
people who are experiencing this 'numeric phenomenon' are left with a feeling
that God is trying to tell them something or that there...
CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. If
you did not have a moment to watch Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin follow one
another before the United Nations earlier in the week, be fair warned: It is
AWFUL! Most sane Americans would rather have hot needles poking in both eyeballs
while cooking inside a stove than listen...
silveristhenew. TheDollarVigilante, Published on Sep 30, 2015 Jeff is
interviewed by VGuerilla, the Guerrilla Economist, ‘”V” is a “guerrilla
economist” who has worked for some of the top commodity trading firms and
investment banks. He also contributed to private think tanks that help create
investment policy.’ Topics include: Jeff’s origins in Canada...
CONTRIBUTOR: Cara. Remember the
passage of Comet ISON in November 2013? It's coming back after having done a
quick U-turn, probably around the Brown Dwarf (a star) already in our solar
system, and will be back sometime before the end of this year - dates vary
between videos, with Earth's passage through...
CONTRIBUTOR: Glenn Canady. Glenn
Canady (Friend me!) LIKE my other Facebook, Truth Warriors Page , Twitter ,
Tsu ... Watch the first video on www.project.nse... open a Doorway to God and to
get hardcore truth! Those who join Project Nsearch will learn how I went from
Zero to over $8,000 a month, get free...
CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. By
King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist
reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the
Messiah/Jesus.) Address of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández to the UN
General Assembly It begins at 16:40,Argentina President speaks about Iran and
the USA...
CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett.
When is a plane not a plane? How many times we have seen contrails/chemtrails or
burning contrails in the sky without visible evidence of a plane at front of
such a contrail or chemtrail? Right, when advanced technology is used to create
a fake plane hologram or even...
CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven
I’ve about had it with Facebook and all their laws and regulations, and if you
are anything like me, then you probably feel the same way. After discovering
that Facebook can access any information on your computer simply by joining and
that they can share...
CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett.
NASA has found water on Mars, but most of us already knew it. But according to
NASA, there is no life found on Mars yet. At first they say “We have found
flowing water on Mars” then they will announce that they have found living
microbes in the soil,...
CONTRIBUTOR: Now The End Begins
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: illuminatinsider
CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project
CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson
CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
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