Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bill Whittle's Firewall: Black Lives Matter Kills People Dissecting and demolishing the big lie of the Black Lives Matter gang.

Bill Whittle's Firewall: Black Lives Matter Kills People

Dissecting and demolishing the big lie of the Black Lives Matter gang.

In this powerful and timely Firewall, Bill Whittle provides shocking evidence that demolishes the central, Big Lie of Black Lives Matter and then goes on to explain why a lie that size needs to be told by people like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch.
Transcript below:
BLACK LIVES MATTER is a Democratic Party scam. It’s a combination street army, terrorist organization and voter turnout machine, and has killed and will continue to kill policemen, white people, Hispanics and Asians. Oh, and Black Lives Matter gets black people killed too.
Let’s start by disassembling the lie that BLM is based on: the idea that white people – especially white policemen – are exterminating American young black males. A lie this big has to be broken down into individual lies to show just how shameless the BLM Big Lie really is, and I am deeply grateful to Heather McDonald, an actual journalist, who dug into the government reports to get a handle on what is actually happening in America today.
So what’s the truth?
The truth is that the police fatally shoot far more whites and Hispanics – both in total numbers and as a percentage of total homicides – than they do blacks.
According to a Washington Post report, in 2015 police officers killed 662 whites and Hispanics, and 258 blacks, and in the vast majority of these cases – White, Black and Hispanic -- the victims were attacking or threatening the police officer with a gun.  
Twelve percent of all white and Hispanic homicide victims are killed by police officers, compared to only four percent of all black homicide victims.
In 2014 there were a total of 6,095 black homicide deaths – that’s over twenty times the number of blacks killed by police. Virtually all of those black homicide victims had been killed by other blacks. And as far as the lie of blacks being exterminated by whites, the truth is that blacks commit murder at eleven times the rate of whites alone.
So if black lives mattered to Black Lives Matter, they would protest what is far and away the primary killers of young black males in America, which is other young black males.
But they don’t. So they don’t.
Now it is absolutely true that blacks make up 26% of the police-shooting victims, and yet are only 13% of the national US population. That means blacks are twice as likely as whites to be shot by police. Surely that is evidence of racial targeting on the part of racist officers.
But it’s not; in fact it is just the opposite. Let’s take New York, for example: 23% of New Yorkers are black, but they commit 75% of the shootings. Whites make up 33% of the population of New York City. They commit about 3% of the shootings.
So what does that actually mean? It means that if blacks commit 75% of the shootings, and whites commit 3%, then cops are twenty-five times more likely to be looking for a black shooter than a white one.
In neighboring Brooklyn are two communities: predominately black Brownsville, and predominately white and Asian Bay Ridge. The shooting rate in Brownsville is not 25 times that of Bay Ridge. It is 81 times higher.
So what does this mean for BLM’s Big Lie: that white cops are assassinating black males?
The number of policemen killed in the line of duty has more than doubled in 2016.  Over the last ten years, a police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black assailant than an unarmed black being killed by a cop.
Oh, we have a national epidemic, all right. When it comes to who actually gets killed in confrontations between blacks and police, 18 times as many cops are killed by blacks than unarmed blacks are killed by police.
So why does the President invite the leaders of Black Lives Matters to the White House for support and encouragement? Why does the Attorney General, only a few days after a BLM-inspired murderer assassinated five policemen in Dallas, say to the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement that they “should not be discouraged” by the fact that there were dead policemen in Dallas, and that the Justice Department would continue to work with them in order to build “a brighter future.”
Well first, BLM is handy as Street Muscle; a private army of thugs they can send to disrupt Republican conventions and especially Donald Trump rallies. Leaked emails reveal that the Ford foundation, George Soros and a few other shady characters are raising $130 million dollars for the BLM cause. Even at the going rate for professional protestors, $130 million is far more money than they could spend on street protests. So why are they raising that kind of money? Because Big Players know the value of fear when it comes to getting their way.
You see, Black Lives Matter is really a get-out-the-vote machine that the Democrats cannot win without. They need a huge majority of black voters, and a huge number of them too, in order to win national elections. Blacks came out for Obama. They are not so keen on Hillary, but if the President and the Attorney General tell black America that they are being murdered by white policemen – despite the fact they know the numbers we just went over -- then it’s in the vital interest of Democrats to gin up and keep up a perpetual race war in order to motivate the slaves on their vote plantation.
The BLM movement provides a moral fig leaf for the real message, which is this: keep the Democrats in power, and the entitlement bribes of Obama phones and EBT cards and all the rest are going to keep on coming. Throw the Democrats out – all of America’s black-on-black killing fields have been governed exclusively by Democrats for half a century or more – and the riots we see in Ferguson and Milwaukee and all the rest will be coming soon to a city near you.
By claiming victimhood these professional protesters are calling for reducing the police presence in black communities. And that means more black people – many hardworking, law-abiding and completely innocent black people -- will die at the hands of other black people.
The Democrats not only don’t care about all of this – they actually need to keep these fires burning down black neighborhoods in black cities so that soulless, shameless mediocrities like Barack Obama can go golfing in the Hamptons with his rich white friends, and Hillary Clinton can make $100 million dollars selling political influence for cash.
It’s blackmail. And it’s going to get bigger. And it’s going to keep coming.

Malkin: Colorado's Anti-Fracking Crackup

Malkin: Colorado's Anti-Fracking Crackup

Election fraud? What election fraud?

If a pair of extreme green ballot measures fall in the Rocky Mountains and no one in the liberal media is paying attention, does the collapse make a sound?
This week, two anti-fracking initiatives backed by deep-pocketed environmental lobbying heavyweights, such as the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, failed to gather enough signatures. The more draconian of the efforts, Initiative 78, would have imposed a mandatory 2,500-foot setback around all oil and gas operations -- essentially halting drilling in upward of 95 percent of Colorado's energy-rich land area.
These drastic attempts to sabotage the oil and gas industry didn't just miss by inches. They missed by a mile high and wide.
Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams announced that supporters of the two measures surpassed the required signature threshold but not by enough to compensate for the number of signatures that were rejected during a random sampling. One of the initiatives garnered 77,000 signatures out of about 98,000 needed to qualify for the ballot; the other, 79,000. Every other state initiative campaign (on issues ranging from primary election reform to cigarette taxes to assisted suicide) this year hit the mark.
Worse for eco-activists, the secretary of state reported that the petition for the de facto fracking moratorium included "several potentially forged signature lines" and has been referred to the state attorney general for investigation. At least one hired signature gatherer told KUSA-TV that homeless men in Denver filled out forms with "bulls---."
Election fraud? What election fraud? Yep, that election fraud.
Despite massive funding from such dark money donors as billionaire hedge fund manager turned climate change warrior Tom Steyer, the big green propaganda machine keeps coming up short. The enviros failed to gather enough signatures for a similar measure two years ago. Skittish Democrats, including Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, have distanced themselves from the eco-radicals, as the energy sector generates thousands of jobs and billions of dollars to the state economy.
One thing the anti-frackers have been successful at: manufacturing self-serving excuses for their failures. They complained that their allies didn't spend enough on them. They carped that their opponents spent too much on opposing them. They whined that the secretary of state's office was "biased" against them for throwing out invalid signatures.
And they pouted when their phony attempt to con reporters into believing that their measures would get on the ballot blew up in their faces three weeks ago. A day after volunteers paraded into the secretary of state's office with dozens of boxes of signatures, an official noted that a large number of the boxes were half-full -- or half-empty.
Hypocritical save-the-planet soldiers who bemoan our dependence on foreign oil are hellbent on strangling the fracking revolution, which has doubled domestic U.S. oil output and helped drive gas prices down.
Here's what the job-killing fractivists just won't admit: Coloradans like their thriving energy sector, and they want to keep it.
Is Hillary Clinton paying attention? She has vowed to her lefty voter base that despite reaping big bucks from fossil fuel campaign finance bundlers, she will ensure that there are not "many places in America where fracking will continue to take place." It's as clear a threat as President Barack Obama's campaign vow to make electricity rates "skyrocket."
Let's hope that as the anti-fracking crackup goes in the Rockies, so goes the nation.

Trigger Warnings: When The Onion Sounds Too Close to Real Life

Trigger Warnings: When The Onion Sounds Too Close to Real Life

At this point, it’s REALLY hard to tell the difference.

We've reached peak ridiculousness on American college campuses when it comes to the social justice demands of safe spaces and trigger warnings for a variety of offenses among the student body. Sometimes, it’s hard to distinguish reality from a joke. You could say that the majority of the progressive insanity playing out right before our eyes is straight out of an article from satire website The Onion.
And this time, it is. We think… because at this point, it’s really hard to tell the difference: 
College Professor Reminds Students It Will Take A Few Classes To Memorize Everyone’s Triggers
Saying he would try his best to learn them all by heart, University of Colorado professor Derek Pollard took a moment Tuesday to remind his students it will take him a few classes to memorize everyone’s triggers. “I always have a hard time at the beginning of the semester remembering what everyone can comfortably talk about, so if you could all write your triggers down on the sheet I’m passing around, I can start putting faces to sensitivities,” said Pollard, who asked each student to help him out by staying in the same seat each week and reminding him what topics are off-limits to them the first few times they are called on. “I apologize in advance if I mix you up and accidentally confuse your triggers with someone else’s; you’re just going to have to bear with me on this. I have 250 students in three classes this term, so it’s going to be a bit of a challenge recalling what I can’t say around each of you.” Pollard added that he also had office hours for any student who would like to individually threaten him with calls for administrative disciplinary action should he happen to discuss a topic that caused them personal distress.
A good laugh is needed now and then. Sadly, this sounds all too real.

Irony Alert: Clinton’s VP Pick Urges Full Disclosure of Health and Foreign Entanglements of Candidates

Irony Alert: Clinton’s VP Pick Urges Full Disclosure of Health and Foreign Entanglements of Candidates

Umm, does Kaine know that applies to his running mate, too?

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine stuck his foot in his mouth on Tuesday when he lectured Republican nominee Donald Trump on the importance of candidates being forthcoming about financial and health-related information. Which is interesting, seeing as Hillary Clinton has proven she’s the queen of obfuscation on such matters. 
Speaking at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Kaine said voters have the right to know the truth about whom they are voting for, especially when it comes to the highest office in the land:
“You want to know if we’ll disclose our finances, so you can understand how we’ve managed our own household or business and see if we owe anybody anything. We want to make sure that candidates aren’t involved in any foreign entanglements that could impact our national security, and we want to know that they’re in good enough health to perform their duties.”
This is such a dishonest statement given the fact that Kaine has been actively defending Clinton’s lies regarding her use of a personal e-mail server on which she sent classified information, though she said she never did, that threatened our national security. The Clinton Foundation is embroiled with corruption as foreign governments who had business with the U.S. made donations while Clinton was secretary of state. And she’s been mum about her health even though there are many concerns. Kaine’s own running mate fails all three points of his requirements of presidential candidates.
He’s just not paying attention.
“When candidates are on the up-and-up,” Kaine added, “they have no problem disclosing information on all these points. You have a right to know. You have a right to expect, and a candidate that’s on the up-and-up has no problem giving you the facts.” 
Only IF a candidate is on “the up-and-up,” Mr. Kaine.
The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of 

Cartoonist Bosch Fawstin on the Islamization of Mainstream Comic Books

Cartoonist Bosch Fawstin on the Islamization of Mainstream Comic Books

"We've gone from kicking the enemy's ass to kissing it."

If you weren’t aware that both Marvel and DC Comics, the biggest comic book companies in the world - owned by Disney and Warner Brothers respectively - were publishing “Muslim superheroes” while completely avoiding jihad, then check out Bosch Fawstin's 4-minute presentation on the Islamization of mainstream comic books at the American Freedom Alliance Conference, held in the Los Angeles area on August 21, 2016.
Fawstin was the winning cartoonist at the "Draw Mohammed" contest in Garland, Texas and the creator of Pigman, every jihadist's worst nightmare. As a Muslim apostate, he is a fierce opponent of jihad, and is taking on the enemy through his forceful art. Check out his website here.

French Mayor Rejects Burkini Ban: Live the Way We Do or Don't Com

French Mayor Rejects Burkini Ban: Live the Way We Do or Don't Come

"...go in Saudi Arabia and be naked and see what will happen to you."

A top French court has overturned a ban on the burkini, the full-body swimsuits some Muslim women wear to the beach, but not everyone is in board with the decision.
One mayor is sticking with the ban, telling visitors to his Riviera town, "If you don't want to live the way we do, don't come."
"You have to behave in the way that people behave in the country that accepted you, and that is it," Cogolin Mayor Marc Etienne Lansade told CNN.
"If you are accepted in Rome -- do like Romans do," he said, adding, "Go in Saudi Arabia and be naked and see what will happen to you."
Lansade will continue the ban, despite the court's ruling. Other mayors of beach towns will enforce their bans of the burkini as well.
The court made its ruling after more than 30 French towns banned the "swimsuit" as a response to the growing threat of Islamic terrorism.
Human rights advocates argue that outlawing the burkini is "Islamophobic" and they will continue to sue over the ban. "The Collective Against Islamophobia in France, one of the plaintiffs in the burkini case, plans to sue each municipality maintaining the ban on the full-length swimsuit," writes CNN.
"These mayors don't want to lose face in front of extreme-right voters," Marwan Muhammad, the group's president, told CNN.
"The CCIF will methodically remind them of the law."
Mayor Lansade will enforce the ban until September 15. "I don't think that many of them do that (wear a burkini) because they want to -- but because they have to," he told CNN. "We have to protect those people."

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