Irony Alert: Clinton’s VP Pick Urges Full Disclosure of Health and Foreign Entanglements of Candidates
Umm, does Kaine know that applies to his running mate, too?
Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine stuck his foot in his mouth on Tuesday when he lectured Republican nominee Donald Trump on the importance of candidates being forthcoming about financial and health-related information. Which is interesting, seeing as Hillary Clinton has proven she’s the queen of obfuscation on such matters.
Speaking at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Kaine said voters have the right to know the truth about whom they are voting for, especially when it comes to the highest office in the land:
“You want to know if we’ll disclose our finances, so you can understand how we’ve managed our own household or business and see if we owe anybody anything. We want to make sure that candidates aren’t involved in any foreign entanglements that could impact our national security, and we want to know that they’re in good enough health to perform their duties.”
This is such a dishonest statement given the fact that Kaine has been actively defending Clinton’s lies regarding her use of a personal e-mail server on which she sent classified information, though she said she never did, that threatened our national security. The Clinton Foundation is embroiled with corruption as foreign governments who had business with the U.S. made donations while Clinton was secretary of state. And she’s been mum about her health even though there are many concerns. Kaine’s own running mate fails all three points of his requirements of presidential candidates.
He’s just not paying attention.
“When candidates are on the up-and-up,” Kaine added, “they have no problem disclosing information on all these points. You have a right to know. You have a right to expect, and a candidate that’s on the up-and-up has no problem giving you the facts.”
Only IF a candidate is on “the up-and-up,” Mr. Kaine.
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