Friday, September 30, 2016

Democratic Senators Call on Trump to Undergo 'Daily Weigh-in' Over 'Fat Shaming' We stand with Alicia.

Democratic Senators Call on Trump to Undergo 'Daily Weigh-in' Over 'Fat Shaming'

We stand with Alicia.

Democrats are desperate to find something -- anything -- that will stick to Donald Trump negatively and derail his train. So, they've resurrected the "Trump is a sexist" meme and chosen a rather dubious woman as their new poster child. 
On Thursday Democratic senator Claire McCaskill doubled down on her Party's new love affair with Alicia Machado, the Miss Universe turned actress, turned Playboy model, turned reality TV sex-tape maker, turned person who allegedly threatened to kill a Venezuelan judge, turned victim of "fat shaming," turned Hillary Clinton campaign volunteer. 
Machado claims that after gaining weight during the Miss Universe pageant some 20 years ago, Trump called her "Miss Piggy." Now, Democratic women senators including McCaskill are calling on Trump to undergo a "daily weigh-in" because, you know, it's about showing solidarity:

It was likely meant to be tongue-in-cheek, and although McCaskill did not mention Machado by name, that is whom her comment implies support for.  
The senator's comment is also just silly, as it draws attention to the fact that the Democratic presidential nominee just aligned herself with a person who did not deny threatening to kill a judge in her home country, whose very public sex-romp with a man other than her then-fiance has gone viral, and who is hardly the kind of "role model" for children Clinton has been touting ad nauseam in her campaign ads. 

WA Mall Shooter Voted in Three Elections Despite Not Being a Citizen

WA Mall Shooter Voted in Three Elections Despite Not Being a Citizen

"We don’t have a provision in state law that allows us officials to verify someone’s citizenship."

NBC affiliate King5 reports that Arcan Cetin, the Turkish Muslim (not Hispanic) who shot and killed five people at the Cascade Mall in Washington State, voted in three separate elections despite not holding U.S. citizenship: 
Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.
Cetin, who immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed from green card holder to U.S. citizen.
While voters must attest to citizenship upon registering online or registering to vote at the Department of Licensing Office, Washington state doesn't require proof of citizenship. Therefore elections officials say the state's elections system operates, more or less, under an honor system.
"We don’t have a provision in state law that allows us either county elections officials or the Secretary of State's office to verify someone’s citizenship," WA Secretary of State Kim Wyman said in explanation. 
Wyman says while it's impossible to determine an exact number, she does not believe this case points to a larger issue. 
"Our hands are kind of tied, but make no mistake, we want to make sure that everybody has confidence that people casting ballots are eligible. This is certainly going to be a topic at next legislation." 
The penalty for voting as a non-U.S. citizen could result in five years of prison time or a $10,000 fine, according to the Secretary of State's Office. That's something of a moot point considering the state's laws make it nearly impossible to determine if someone voting is eligible in the first place. 

Obama Sics IRS on Obamacare Holdouts Nationalized healthcare was bad enough already!

Obama Sics IRS on Obamacare Holdouts

Nationalized healthcare was bad enough already!

Republicans are criticizing the Obama administration for enlisting the IRS to help track down Obamacare holdouts in a move the GOP fears is “turning the tax agency into part of his political operation by enlisting it in the health care effort,” as The Washington Times reports.
Millions of Americans have opted out of signing up for insurance through the Affordable Care Act and have, instead, paid the penalty tax, soft-balled to the public as a "mandate." Those individuals are on file at the IRS and the administration would like the IRS to contact them to see if they would reconsider.
According to IRS officials, no private information would be shared with other agencies and this is just an attempt to send out a few letters to those who refused coverage under Obamacare.
The IRS released a statement saying the agency makes it a practice to inform taxpayers of other government benefits:
“This particular mailing is consistent with our practices and the tax administration requirements set forth in the law.
But Rep. Steve King (R-IA) thinks the move is a little one-sided:
We should use our federal government — the right hand, the left hand and other hand needs to know what the other is doing. It doesn’t trouble me that they do that [for health care], but it does trouble me they refuse to do that when it comes to immigration.”
As noted at the Times, King authored a bill to use information from the Treasury Department to locate employers who paid illegal immigrants and remove their tax deductions to keep them from drawing in illegals. The Obama administration has yet to back it.
However, other Republicans believe any effort by the federal government to access private information from taxpayers is a dangerous move. 
From the report:
The individual mandate was supposed to balance out those customers by forcing healthy Americans into the insurance risk pool. But the tax penalty, which rises from a baseline of $95 in 2014 to $695 this year, hasn’t been a strong enough incentive.
The administration says it plans to promote the Obamacare exchanges among millennials through social media and community events while improving the experience on tablets and smartphones.
Yet its decision to target penalty payers — a population with a high proportion of young adults — is proving controversial.

Student Sues Catholic School for $1 Million After Rejecting Same-Sex Homecoming Date

Student Sues Catholic School for $1 Million After Rejecting Same-Sex Homecoming Date

"I hope they don’t do this to anyone else in the future"

The assault on religious freedom by America's LGBT bullies continues in Memphis, Tennessee, where an all-boys Catholic school is being sued for $1 million by a former student because they wouldn't allow him to bring a same-sex date to the homecoming dance last year. 
Filed in September, the suit on behalf of Lance Sanderson claims Christian Brothers High School (CBHS) caused this LGBT snowflake to "suffer severe injuries and damages which include, but are not limited to disability, past and future emotional distress, past and future medical expenses, and personal care services."
Though CBHS took a major hit in the national spotlight last year when Sanderson became an SJW media sensation, the school ultimately stuck to its Catholic principles by refusing Sanderson his request for a same-sex homecoming date. 
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "under no circumstances" can homosexuality be approved, and for the school to allow Sanderson a same-sex homecoming date would be a violation of that teaching, which CBHS publicly defended. 
In a school-wide announcement, CBHS officials stated that the school "adheres to the Catholic and LaSallian traditions" and that "boys from other schools may not attend" the dance. 
For unknown reasons, Sanderson was eventually suspended from CBHS, finishing out his senior year courses at home, resulting in his acceptance at DePaul University where he is now a freshman. He openly states the lawsuit has less to do with recompense for alleged injustice on his behalf and more with clubbing Catholic schools into acquiescing their beliefs. 
"I hope they don’t do this to anyone else in the future and that other schools that try to abide by similar philosophies don’t do this to their students. I really don’t want anyone else to go through what I went through this year," he told reporters.
Sanderson says this as he attends DePaul University, the same one that banned conservative activists Milo Yiannopoulos and Ben Shapiro from speaking to students, lest they should shatter their snowflake sensitivities. 
"Tolerance for thee, but not for me," says the leftist. 

Out of Touch: Millionaire Hillary Struggles to Define Middle Class Somewhere in the range from $0 to me?

Out of Touch: Millionaire Hillary Struggles to Define Middle Class

Somewhere in the range from $0 to me?

When you sit atop a $62 million net worth, it’s hard to see all the peons below. However, Hillary Clinton has reiterated throughout her campaign that she is going to really help out the middle class and not raise taxes on them. But when a reporter asked what income range she’s talking about, Clinton took the long way around with her answer.
Clinton was asked to define the middle class “numerically” and also “philosophically,” and so, she began there, touting it as the “social, economic engine of our country.” Also, it’s “a reflection of the success of the United States from the very beginning,” Clinton added.
She then struggled to nail down an income range like she was asked, saying the “middle class is a hard-to-define economic target.”
“The way I talk about it is to say we know what the median income in America is, but if you’re living in high-cost areas, if you have kids you’re trying to educate and send to college, if you face healthcare costs that are beyond the average; staying in and progressing up in the middle class takes more money in some parts of America than it does in others.”
Clinton stood by her pledge to not raise taxes on the middle class and said that means anyone making under $250,000. She likes that number because that’s what “President Obama had adhered to and something my husband adhered to.”
“The middle class is both real and aspiration,” Clinton concluded. “And I want to make sure that it remains strong and it gives people a sense of security and confidence and optimism about their futures.”
The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of their choice.

Ice Cube: Obama Third Term, Hillary and Trump 'Both Suck' "Who you want your kids to be with?"

Ice Cube: Obama Third Term, Hillary and Trump 'Both Suck'

"Who you want your kids to be with?"

World famous rapper, actor, and film producer Ice Cube wishes for an Obama third term, arguing that Hillary and Trump "both suck."
In an interview on Too $hort’s BoomBox podcast on Wednesday, the former NWA member lamented on the sickness of this election cycle that only President Obama could cure. 
"To me, both candidates suck," said Ice Cube. "They both suck. I want another Obama. Can we get Obama again?"
Since Ice Cube regularly votes Democrat, he identified Hillary as the "less[er] of the two" evils. Despite the negativity, Cube argued that Americans should go on with their lives no matter what happens this November. 
"Make sure you get your ass up to go to work in the morning, no matter who’s the president," he said. "That’s the option. It don’t even matter which one of them motherf*ckers becomes president."
"The thing is, you are still not going to have the power to change what they want to do," Cube continued. "You have the power to change your situation. I think you should focus on that."
On the issue of undecided voters, Ice Cube proposed a question: who would they leave their kids with for the weekend? 
"Who would you want your kids to f*cking hang out with for a weekend? It’s just simple," he said. "Who you want your kids to be with — Uncle Donald or Aunt Hillary? Who’d you want to watch nieces and nephews?"
Fun Uncle Donald or catty Aunt Hillary? No contest there. Who would want to put up with this for one weekend, much less one minute?

Hollywood's Closeted Trump Community Afraid to Speak Out

Hollywood's Closeted Trump Community Afraid to Speak Out

They say Hollywood liberals have made the climate particularly "toxic" this election cycle.

Hollywood liberals are obnoxiously "in your face" and are good at making the world think they are the only ones who exist in Tinseltown. The truth, however, is that there has long been a conservative community active in the Los Angeles-based entertainment industry, albeit one that operates below the radar. 
Unless already well-established in the industry (like actors Jon Voight and Bruce Willis, for example), entertainment professionals who lean conservative usually have to keep their politics to themselves lest they be professionally ostracized. What's more, presidential elections always bring a heightened sense of tension for conservatives in Hollywood, and given the way Hollywood has vilified Donald Trump, the stakes are particularly high this time around. 
In fact, Hollywood conservatives claim their liberal counterparts in the industry have made the climate positively "toxic."
"There are many people who are voting for Donald Trump but are too afraid to admit it," Trump supporter and founder of the PR firm NPR told TheWrap. "Things have gotten really nasty in Hollywood lately."
According to industry insiders interviewed by the outlet, the climate in Hollywood is really "hostile" this particular election. People interviewed said the tensions were not as bad during the 2008 or 2012 presidential elections, because neither Mitt Romney nor John McCain were as reviled as Trump. TheWrap expands: 
Neal was surprised to see many of his left-leaning colleagues, including some who owe him their start in the industry, post a recent GQ article titled, “If You Vote for Trump, Screw You” on their social media feeds.
“Some stars have gone to the far left this election and are really getting hostile,” he said. “You don’t see that from the other side.”
“There’s an unhealthy tension here right now,” Neal added.
Oscar-nominated writer Lionel Chetwynd, another prominent Hollywood conservative, described the political atmosphere within the industry this fall as “toxic.”
Even Hollywood Democrats acknowledge that this year has heightened the tension toward right-leaning colleagues — because Trump has emerged as a more divisive figure than past Republican presidential candidates.
Heightened? More like completely unhinged considering that every two minutes a new anti-Trump "stop the hate" celebrity public service campaign is launched. We didn't even see celebrities exert this kind of energy over their "free Darfur" campaigns -- and that was a crusade they were particularly concerned about. 
Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. told TheWrap he has been "bullied online and blacklisted by directors" since his appearance at the Republican National Convention in July.
“When you’re in my business, you can’t talk about [conservative] politics,” Sabato Jr. told Variety. “You’re attacked viciously in a way that I’ve never been attacked before.”
But that's the arrogance and hypocrisy of the Left -- forever lecturing us on tolerance when they're the most intolerant group on the planet. 

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