Friday, September 30, 2016

Democratic Senators Call on Trump to Undergo 'Daily Weigh-in' Over 'Fat Shaming' We stand with Alicia.

Democratic Senators Call on Trump to Undergo 'Daily Weigh-in' Over 'Fat Shaming'

We stand with Alicia.

Democrats are desperate to find something -- anything -- that will stick to Donald Trump negatively and derail his train. So, they've resurrected the "Trump is a sexist" meme and chosen a rather dubious woman as their new poster child. 
On Thursday Democratic senator Claire McCaskill doubled down on her Party's new love affair with Alicia Machado, the Miss Universe turned actress, turned Playboy model, turned reality TV sex-tape maker, turned person who allegedly threatened to kill a Venezuelan judge, turned victim of "fat shaming," turned Hillary Clinton campaign volunteer. 
Machado claims that after gaining weight during the Miss Universe pageant some 20 years ago, Trump called her "Miss Piggy." Now, Democratic women senators including McCaskill are calling on Trump to undergo a "daily weigh-in" because, you know, it's about showing solidarity:

It was likely meant to be tongue-in-cheek, and although McCaskill did not mention Machado by name, that is whom her comment implies support for.  
The senator's comment is also just silly, as it draws attention to the fact that the Democratic presidential nominee just aligned herself with a person who did not deny threatening to kill a judge in her home country, whose very public sex-romp with a man other than her then-fiance has gone viral, and who is hardly the kind of "role model" for children Clinton has been touting ad nauseam in her campaign ads. 

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