After reading the Podesta emails, it is clear that the American government has and is supporting terrorism through Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Iran. #Draintheswamp
America has paid the chinese communist party to implant microchips on everyone in Asia. The first to fall under this robotic spell are the North Koreans. Everyone beware.
jack spadow making terrorism in the name of islam?? Last time i checked, there wasnt many american in Daesh.themajority of them are born and raised middle eastern muslims. Not american soldiers pretending to be muslims. You're brainwashed. The americans just sell weapons to Daesh. Whywould they help people that hate them so much? Arabs hate america when theres peace. But cry for help when they're attacked..
I know an Egyptian here in Ireland. Muslim. Believes that attacks on the west, by terrorist groups, are legitimate defenses of Islam. Believes any attack between Muslims is Americas fault.
Yeah I'm Irish two, my school has been extremely peaceful for the eight years I've been there and literally the day our first two muslim students started they both fought each other until blood poured on the classroom floor, the teacher tried to break it up and one of the bastard Muslims punched her in the stomach - she was PREGNANT!
she was vomiting after and the very next day both Muslim students came to school with no punishment and the teacher didn't come in, the principal would've thrown any other student out but because their Muslim and with all this democrat's conspiracies he didn't want to sound "Racist", absolutely fucking disgusting.
You're one bad ass Jew. How the heck you end up going to all these Muslim places and you're not even hiding your identity. Is there any Egyptian security protecting you that we can't see in the video?
A Jewish man saying - "I'm not Muslim, so I drink a lot of alcohol. Like a ton of alcohol. I think I have a problem." - to a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Classic!!
Oh, and I was super surprised to hear that Osama bin Laden wasn't real. Is it possible that it really was Brad Pitt wearing a beard all this time? The world may never know.
Darren Mcmunn, Maybe, but America will never be overrun by Islam and that's a fact. Try to go into an average American neighborhood and try to force sharia law. one of two will happen. Either they would be severely beaten, or leaving in a body bag considering how many American households have fire arms
Thank you for showing us Muslims can't realy think for them selves...Allah instructs in vile detail how to have intercourse with a dead corpse and animals but says after raping God almighty creatures to burn them alive .... i would like to hear what Gabriel has to say about what he is accused of. accused of using the creepy pedophile to spread shit all over the earth/
Google "ppp gdp per capita" or "richest countries in the world" many are Arab majority. The native populations in Qatar, UAE, Kuwait have a very high standard of living. Many in wealthy Arabian countries are well educated as well. Egypt is a poor country.
I am an Egyptian. The translations are wrong and biased. I hate the muslim brotherhood, but you don't need to misrepresent them to show they are messed up.
Weee Oooo Weee Oooo calling for Reza Aslan to speed to the scene for an intervention to explain how these people are victims of western oppression and how their crazy views are not their fault.
The Society of the Muslim Brothers (Arabic: جماعة الإخوان المسلمينJami'ah al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn), shortened to the Muslim Brotherhood (الإخوان المسلمون al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn), is a transnational Sunni Islamist organization founded in Egypt by Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna in 1928.
Brigitte Gabriel (Arabic: بريجيت غابرييل; born Hanan Qahwaji,[3] 21 October 1964) is an American conservative journalist, author, political lecturer, anti-Islam activist, and founder of two non-profit political organizations, the American Congress For Truth and ACT! for America.
Linda Sarsour (born March 19, 1980)[citation needed] is a Palestinian-American political activist, self-described as progressive, and former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York.
Brigitte Gabriel Moment: What is Really Driving the Terrorists. Brigitte Gabriel (ACT for America Founder ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please support The Glazov Gang because we are a fan-generated show and need your help to keep going. Make a contribution or set up a monthly pledge. Thank you!
This video contains no surprises.
she was vomiting after and the very next day both Muslim students came to school with no punishment and the teacher didn't come in, the principal would've thrown any other student out but because their Muslim and with all this democrat's conspiracies he didn't want to sound "Racist", absolutely fucking disgusting.
This is the last fuckin weird joke i've heard
Oh, and I was super surprised to hear that Osama bin Laden wasn't real. Is it possible that it really was Brad Pitt wearing a beard all this time? The world may never know.
#MuslimBrotherhood #Egypt #Sarcasm
Muslim people never do bad things LOL