Thursday, February 1, 2018

WATCH: San Diegans Hurl Shoes at Trump During Public Viewing of SOTU

Good! Let the hate flow through you.

A public viewing of President Trump’s first State of the Union address was organized in San Diego Tuesday night to give Trump haters something to throw their shoes at. No, that’s not a joke. It actually happened.
The community watch party called The Noche de Chanclazos, or night of flip flops, was organized by the American Friends Service Committee U.S.-Mexico Border Program, according to Channel 4 News. In lieu of cheers or jeers, party organizers told viewers to throw their footwear at the screen “whenever you feel Trump disses you or your community.”
The report notes: 
In some Latin homes, chanclas or flip flops are used to discipline. Throwing one is a sign of disagreement or anger.
At this event in Barrio Logan, the chanclas began to fly through the air as soon as President Trump entered the room. 
The shoe-throwers described the event as “cathartic.” A high school teacher in attendance said, “I just feel insulted by what’s happened and I felt I needed the therapy of coming here tonight.” 
The immigrants’ rights group said, “We wanted to do an event that was comedic in nature but at the same time responded to the serious questions that were being presented in the address.” 
Eight piƱatas were also broken to symbolize Trump’s border wall prototypes, the report added.
Here’s some footage:

But leftists beware, Republicans are pretty good at dodging tossed shoes:

Obama Referenced Himself Nearly Four Times as Often as Trump in First SOTU Address

“But when I ran for president, I promised I wouldn't just do what was popular, I would do what was necessary.”

According to the Left, Donald Trump is self-obsessed. But how did this supposed trait manifest itself in the President's first State of the Union address, compared to left-wing Savior Barack Obama?
Trump's speech last night was, according to The New York Times, the third-longest SOTU presentation in the past half-decade. However, the President's mention of himself was minimal.
As reported by Fox News, in 2010, Barack Obama's first State of the Union featured nearly 100 instances of "I" or "me." Trump's speech contained only 26.
Despite the media's constant excoriation of Trump for his purported egomania, Obama seems to have been the president with a "me" complex: in his first 41 speeches, Barack mentioned himself nearly 1,198 times.
In the 2010 SOTU address, Obama used "I" 88 times, along with 10 instances of "me." A typical statement was as follows:
“But when I ran for president, I promised I wouldn't just do what was popular, I would do what was necessary.”
There are four self-references in that single sentence alone. Last night, Trump never mademention of himself that many times in a single sentence. Nevertheless, the Left are concerned only with narrative. Hence, a recent Vanity Fair article, which asked:
Similarly, Politico claimed Trump's giant ego made him easy prey for Russian predator Putin.
Donna Brazile, former DNC Chairwoman, once said Obama had a "titanic ego." But you likely never heard about that; and you won't be hearing about it, so long as the media are at war with President Trump.

Kelly: Teacher Who Trashed Military "Ought to Go to Hell"

“I just hope he enjoys the liberties and the lifestyle that we have fought for.”

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has some choice words for the California high school teacher who was recently caught on a student's video excoriating the military as "dumb sh*ts" and "the freakin' lowest of our low." Kelly appeared on Brian Kilmeade's Fox News radio show Wednesday:
“Well, I think the guy ought to go to hell. I just hope he enjoys the liberties and the lifestyle that we have fought for.”
We can always count on General Kelly to bring it, can't we?

Leftist Female Mayor Refuses to Step Down After Affair with Employee

Double standards abound.

On Wednesday night, leftist Nashville Mayor Megan Barry stood before local press and repented of an extramarital affair with her chief of security that began just months after she took office in 2015. She also stated that she has no intentions of stepping down even though her lover, Sgt. Robert Forrest, suddenly “retired” after 31 years of service with the Nashville police department, of which he spent 14 years supervising the security for three mayors. 
Barry refused to say when the affair ended; only repeatedly saying, “It’s over.” She implied that the only reason she came forward now instead of earlier with the admission was because news of the affair was seeping out and making their private lives public. 
The press did a great job grilling the mayor, especially over the obvious double standard from the self-proclaimed champion of women. It wasn’t lost on the press that if she were a man in power having an affair with a female subordinate, he would be expected to step down immediately. She refuses to do so while Forrest resigned from his position in January.
Barry desperately tried to defend herself, telling the press her situation was different than what’s going on today:
“It was inappropriate for us to have this affair, but I think that when we talk about the #MeToo movement and those conversations, I think I want to be clear, because I don’t want to muddy the #MeToo movement. The #MeToo movement is about women who have been sexually harassed and economically disadvantaged for hundreds of years. This is about two middle-aged consenting adults who have feelings for each other and were human and have failed.”
One report pressed and noted that the pattern is exactly the same: “The subordinate resigns and the boss stays.” Barry said that questions as to why Forrest resigned should be directed at him.
Another report pushed back harder, reminding Barry that Forrest resigned due to “behavior unbecoming of an officer” and asked her if she was “claiming women’s privilege… by not taking responsibility and not doing the stand-up thing and resigning.”
She bit back, “He retired.”
The reporter didn’t back down: “That’s equivalent. Aren’t you giving women’s rights a bad smell, here, because you’re not doing what a man would be expected to do in your position?”
Again, Barry insisted she was not being hypocritical in the least and wants to continue her Democratic agenda for Nashvillians, which includes extremely expensive transit plans.
However, voters are demanding to know before they hand over that money if they also paid for the lovers’ trysts and other perks.
From the Tennessee Star:
Barry has racked up nearly double the out-of-town trips of her predecessor, Mayor Karl Dean, it was mentioned during the press conference. She has journeyed to both coasts of the U.S. and places in between. She also traveled to Athens, Greece — and Paris, the City of Lights, widely acknowledged as a romantic destination.
The mayor denies she and Forrest had the affair while he was on duty, being paid by taxpayers.
He averaged $34,000 a year in overtime for the last three years of former Mayor Karl Dean’s term, NewsChannel 5 reported.
But after Barry took office, Forrest’s overtime pay increased to just below $60,000 in fiscal year 2015-2016.
The next year, that increased to more than $75,000, bringing his total pay to $157,187 in fiscal year 2016-2017.
Barry insists these trips and bonuses were purely “professional.”
She believes voters can trust her to deliver on the promises she made.

“This is not a tragedy, this is a mistake,” Barry said. “I didn’t stop being human when I became mayor.”
Watch the press conference below:

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