WATCH: San Diegans Hurl Shoes at Trump During Public Viewing of SOTU
Good! Let the hate flow through you.

A public viewing of President Trump’s first State of the Union address was organized in San Diego Tuesday night to give Trump haters something to throw their shoes at. No, that’s not a joke. It actually happened.
The community watch party called The Noche de Chanclazos, or night of flip flops, was organized by the American Friends Service Committee U.S.-Mexico Border Program, according to Channel 4 News. In lieu of cheers or jeers, party organizers told viewers to throw their footwear at the screen “whenever you feel Trump disses you or your community.”
The report notes:
In some Latin homes, chanclas or flip flops are used to discipline. Throwing one is a sign of disagreement or anger.At this event in Barrio Logan, the chanclas began to fly through the air as soon as President Trump entered the room.
The shoe-throwers described the event as “cathartic.” A high school teacher in attendance said, “I just feel insulted by what’s happened and I felt I needed the therapy of coming here tonight.”
The immigrants’ rights group said, “We wanted to do an event that was comedic in nature but at the same time responded to the serious questions that were being presented in the address.”
Eight piƱatas were also broken to symbolize Trump’s border wall prototypes, the report added.
Here’s some footage:
But leftists beware, Republicans are pretty good at dodging tossed shoes: