Saturday, September 1, 2018

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The 09/01/2018 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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It didn’t start with the Southern Poverty Law Center: the global jihad has always been aided by Useful Idiots
By Robert Spencer on Aug 31, 2018 07:15 pm

It didn’t start with the Southern Poverty Law Center: the global jihad has always been aided by Useful Idiots
The advance of the jihad in the West today is thanks to numerous non-Muslims who, for a complex of reasons, have opted to hasten the demise of their own free societies. There are numerous non-Muslim organizations today that are enabling and abetting jihad terror and Sharia oppression by smearing and demonizing those who are calling […]

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Australia: Muslim on student visa arrested for jihad plots against former PM, “symbolic” locations
By Robert Spencer on Aug 31, 2018 06:47 pm

Australia: Muslim on student visa arrested for jihad plots against former PM, “symbolic” locations
No one at the University of New South Wales would have dared to question Mohamed Nizamdeen about his views on jihad and related matters. It was taken for granted that he was a “moderate.” To have taken any other course would have been “islamophobic.” “Malcolm Turnbull, Julie Bishop among alleged targets for alleged Islamic State […]

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UK: Father of two jihadis killed in Syria threatens to have his wife shot if she gave evidence against him
By Robert Spencer on Aug 31, 2018 06:37 pm

UK: Father of two jihadis killed in Syria threatens to have his wife shot if she gave evidence against him
If British authorities actually had any interest in countering jihad, they would ponder the question of who taught Islam to the sons of Abubaker Deghayes. They would also ponder the fact that Deghayes is “a former leader of the al-Quds Mosque in Brighton.” How does that square with the universal claim that jihad is only […]

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UK: Man converts to Islam, encourages jihad terrorism on Facebook
By Robert Spencer on Aug 31, 2018 12:13 pm

UK: Man converts to Islam, encourages jihad terrorism on Facebook
Did Facebook shut down his account? Or were Facebook employees too busy shutting down the accounts of foes of jihad terror? Yet another convert to Islam gets the idea that his new religion commands him to commit treason and mass murder. Authorities remain resolutely uninterested in this recurring phenomenon. British police probably aren’t even bothering […]

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Muslim Doctors Without Borders nurse shoots at Israeli troops on Gaza border
By Robert Spencer on Aug 31, 2018 11:24 am

Muslim Doctors Without Borders nurse shoots at Israeli troops on Gaza border
Terrorism Without Borders indeed. These medics are supposed to be politically neutral. But nowadays everything is politicized. Doctors Without Borders, itself viciously anti-Israel, was probably happy that Hani Mohammed Almajdalawi was so very woke. “Israel: Doctors Without Borders nurse shot at troops on Gaza border,” AFP, August 24, 2018: JERUSALEM: Israel said an MSF nurse […]

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Egypt: Muslim mobs force closure of 8 Christian churches seeking official recognition
By Robert Spencer on Aug 31, 2018 11:16 am

Egypt: Muslim mobs force closure of 8 Christian churches seeking official recognition
“We haven’t heard that a mosque was closed down or the prayer was stopped in it because it was unlicensed. Is that justice? Where is the equality? Where is the religious freedom? Where is the law? Where are the state’ institutions?” Good questions. “Egypt: Muslim mobs force closure of 8 Coptic churches seeking ‘official’ recognition,” […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: Jeremy Corbyn, Or Degringolade at Downing Street?
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Aug 31, 2018 10:36 am

Hugh Fitzgerald: Jeremy Corbyn, Or Degringolade at Downing Street?
Jeremy Corbyn, who has done everything he can to deny both his own antisemitism, and the antisemitism of many members of the Labor Party that he now heads, has lately been having a tough time of it. He does, of course, have his admirers: In a Twitter post, Hamas wrote: “We salute Jeremy Corbyn’s supportive […]

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French President Macron: “No such thing as a true Dane, true Frenchman”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Aug 31, 2018 10:10 am

French President Macron: “No such thing as a true Dane, true Frenchman”
Back in March, legendary Hollywood actress Brigitte Bardot did not mince words about the Islamization of France when she declared: “I did not fight against French Algeria to accept an Algerian France, I do not touch the culture, the identity and the customs of others, let’s not touch mine.” Her words about culture and national […]

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Geert Wilders cancels “Draw Muhammad” contest amid massive protests, threats of violence
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Aug 31, 2018 10:05 am

Geert Wilders cancels “Draw Muhammad” contest amid massive protests, threats of violence
Geert Wilders has cancelled his planned “Draw Muhammad” contest, following death threats and large-scale protests in Pakistan. Wilders stated: To avoid the risk of victims of Islamic violence, I have decided not to let the cartoon contest go ahead….It’s not just about me…. Opponents of the event see not only me, but the entire Netherlands as […]

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Nigeria: Muslims burn alive Christian pastor, his wife, and three of their children
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Aug 31, 2018 09:57 am

Nigeria: Muslims burn alive Christian pastor, his wife, and three of their children
Fulani Muslim militants launched raids on eight villages in central Nigeria this week, burning alive a Christian pastor along with his wife and three of their children. In order to spread “Islamic teachings and practice,” the Fulani jihadi gangs routinely rampage through towns and villages, seeking out Christians in order to rid whole areas of […]

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Anni Cyrus Moment: Mullahs’ Assassins Arrested in America
By Jamie Glazov on Aug 31, 2018 09:48 am

Anni Cyrus Moment: Mullahs’ Assassins Arrested in America
On this new Anni Cyrus Moment, Anni focuses on Mullahs’ Assassins Arrested in America and she stresses: They are here to kill us. And then she asks: Where is the media coverage? Don’t miss it! Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov. Please donate through our Pay Pal account […]

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Google-Facebook spreading fake news, censoring truth
Trump, GOP leadership need to do something before they are swept from power this fall
By Joseph Farah

While the Google-Facebook machine claims to fight fake news, these monopolies are actually spreading fake news while censoring alternative, independent news sources.

Let me give you an example.

Last week, CNN’s Jim Sciutto had two big scoops debunked as false, phony and provably fake news – not by me, but by his own colleagues. Sciutto is CNN’s chief national security correspondent. He joined the network after serving in Barack Obama’s White House and is an anti-Donald Trump zealot.

First, Sciutto misled the public with a piece falsely claiming President Trump did not consult with Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats prior to revoking the security clearance of John Brennan, the former Obama CIA chief.

Using his Twitter account, Sciutto wrote: “Breaking: DNI Coats – the nation’s senior-most Intelligence official – was NOT consulted on Trump decision to revoke Fmr CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance.”

That was a lie. That was fake news. Yet it was never retracted. He has not apologized for the “error.” He did not delete the tweet.

Also last week, another Sciutto attempt to mislead the public was also debunked – once again by his own colleagues. That was the lie that Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, knew that Trump was aware in advance of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. It took Cohen’s own attorney, Lanny Davis, to debunk it on CNN.

Here's a transcript of that exchange:

LANNY DAVIS: Well, I think, uhm, the reporting of this story got mixed up. In the course of a criminal investigation we were not the source of this story. In the course of a criminal investigation, the advice we were given — those of us dealing with the media is that we could not do anything other than stay silent.

ANDERSON COOPER: So, Michael Cohen does not have information that President Trump knew about the meeting with the Russians either beforehand or immediately after?

DAVIS: No, he does not.

But Sciutto is still working at CNN – still churning out fake news. You can still see his posts on Twitter. You can still find his false reporting on Google’s search engines and prominent Facebook posts. What you will have more trouble finding is THIS refutation on WND.

That’s the problem with the Google-Facebook leftist, anti-Trump, pro-Democrat filters. It preserves and spreads fake news and buries the real news.

This is why our country is so confused. The Google-Facebook propaganda machine is the semi-official filter for news and information and the No. 1 spreaders of disinformation and fake news.

I could give you countless examples like this.

So why don’t Trump and the Republican leadership in Congress do something before they are swept from power this fall as surely as I am writing this?

Because there is simply no will to do so.

In the meantime, this Google-Facebook propaganda machine continues to starve the independent, alternative media of traffic and ad revenue while simultaneously spreading lies and fake news.

We are living in an increasingly Orwellian world.

Time is short. Free speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion are endangered concepts in America because of this crisis. The only power that can correct this and challenge it is sitting on its hands. As a result, we are on the verge of living in a one-party totalitarian state with the First Amendment being reduced to nice but meaningless words on parchment.

What can we do?

I urge you to do a few things if you value your constitutional rights and liberty:
  • Become informed – quickly. Be sure to see “The Creepy Line” – the imminent new documentary about this crisis from Peter Schweizer.
  • Watch Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox, which has been enlightening – even for me as I sit in the crosshairs of the cabal.
  • Encourage President Trump to hit this topic early, often and hard.
  • Contact your Republican members of Congress about the imminent threat. (It won’t do any good to contact Democrats. They are encouraging this partisan, secular jihad and will be the single-party beneficiary of its “success.”)
  • Support the independent, alternative online media – including WND, which is very much on the frontlines. And here’s how to do that:
1. Support WND, the original pioneer in independent news 21 years ago, all through August by helping us raise $100,000 as we battle the cartel for survival in our roughest month yet. We’re hunkered down and many are working without pay. I’ve subsidized WND with all the money I have and there is no more left. We thank you for getting us nearly 50 percent of the way to our total so far – but it’s not what we had hoped for with just a few days remaining. Please pray for us and shower us with your most generous donations to keep us alive and fighting for truth.

Many of you have suggested you prefer to make your contributions by check. You can always do that by sending them to WND, 14501 George Carter Way, Suite 102, Chantilly, VA 20151.

2. You can also support WND’s groundbreaking new book, “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament,” with your tax-deductible contributions in any amount to the fabulous missions organization, Gospel for All Nations, which has adopted the project to help spread the truth of the Good News around the world. This book, coming out in hardcover next month is an important part of WND’s recovery, rebirth and revitalization plan for later this year. For donations of $100 or more, you will receive a special signed advance reader copy of the book. Your help with book-printing and marketing expenses will help immensely to weather this storm – not to mention help us distribute this compelling and redemptive "breakthrough Bible book."

If you prefer to write tax-deductible checks for this purpose, you can do so by sending them to “Gospel Book,” Gospel for All Nations, 580 E Street – PO Box 100 -- Hawthorne, NV 89415-0100.

Thank you and bless you for your support.

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