Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Man, 75, shoved to ground by Buffalo police during protest released from hospital

Martin Gugino, the 75-year-old man who suffered a brain injury when he was shoved to the ground by Buffalo police officers during a protest in early June, was released from the hospital Tuesday, his lawyer said.
Gugino "looks great," attorney Kelly V. Zarcone said in a statement after Gugino was released from Erie County Medical Center.
"He can walk with a little help, and his condition will continue to improve with rest and time," Zarcone said.
She said that she brought him cards and letters following the June 4 incident, which was captured on video and resulted in criminal charges against two officers. Zarcone said Gugino will be recovering at a location she did not disclose in order to ensure his privacy.
"Martin wants to thank the entire hospital staff for their exceptional dedication and professionalism," Zarcone said. "He received truly outstanding care and for that, he is grateful."
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Anti-racism protests across the U.S.
Video from a protest in Buffalo held in the days after George Floyd's in-custody death in Minneapolis captured Gugino approaching a large group of officers in tactical gear.
Gugino was pushed and fell backwards before lying motionless while bleeding, the video showed. Buffalo police initially said he tripped and fell, but video revealed the reality.
Officers Robert McCabe, 32, and Aaron Torgalski, 39, were suspended without pay soon after the incident. Days later, both were charged with second-degree assault. They have pleaded not guilty.
The city's mayor called the incident deeply disturbing, and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo condemned the officers' actions.
The death of Floyd, who was Black, in Minneapolis sparked protests against racial inequality and calls fro police reform across the country. In the wake of his death, some police departments have announced changes in policies.
"Martin said that he is pleased at the progress made so far to protect the safety of peaceful protesters, a topic near and dear to his heart," Zarcone said.
"He respects the burden of authority placed upon law enforcement but looks forward to the continued implementation of systemic changes to eliminate police brutality," she said.

Mark Cuban calls out Hannity in fiery interview: 'You gave Donald Trump the ultimate softball questions'

Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban was on Hannity, Tuesday, where he spent the majority of the interview arguing with Sean Hannity about Donald Trump’s success as president, or lack thereof.
Despite being a Republican, Cuban has openly endorsed presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden for president. And while he has been a frequent guest on Hannity, recent interviews have been increasingly argumentative as a result.
During Tuesday’s interview, Hannity often had an ad hominem response to Cuban’s arguments. For example, when Cuban argued that the U.S. is losing grounding in international trade, Hannity replied, “I watch you on Shark Tank and you are so much better than this.”
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Mark Cuban through the years
The interview came to an abrupt conclusion when Cuban called out Hannity, and other Fox News personalities for offering up “softball questions” while interviewing Trump. “How did Mark Cuban become a billionaire?” Hannity sarcastically asked, before saying, “I've got to go.”
Despite the barbs being thrown back and forth, it is clear the two remain cordial. Hannity even promised to have Cuban back on his show the following week.
Hannity airs weeknights at 9 p.m. on Fox News Channel.

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