Monday, August 31, 2020

Salvation Prayer....08/31/2020 Remember,You & I Are Not Of This World....


Salvation Prayer....08/31/2020
Remember,You & I Are Not Of This World....

Dear Lord Jesus, 
I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible.

Please print this up and carry it with you always as a reminder of who your Lord & Savoir Is. Print up several copies to give to your family and share with your friends. The road you have chosen will not be an easy one for know you will be a Child of God. However know this ,you will never be alone ever again. 

For The Holy Spirit will be placed inside your soul and take residence inside of you forever. He will be your guide, your life long connection to God through our Lord and Savor Christ Jesus. God has placed a wonderful Blessing upon you my friend. 

                                                   May the Peace of His Grace                                                     always be with you. 


Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply, Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

Americans Push Back Against Business Endorsing Black Lives Matter


Americans Push Back Against Business Endorsing Black Lives Matter

"Donald Trump with supporters" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Gage Skidmore

The political left continues to openly support and endorse Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter murals can presently be found on streets in leftist cities and on sport arena courts.

Democrats in varying positions don’t hesitate to defend Black Lives Matter; this comes in spite of the group sharing misleading details about policing in the nation and even engaging in dangerous riots for months on end.


As political and cultural conversations happen, some businesses are also weighing in. While certain establishments choose to remain apolitical, others are diving right in and picking a side. Unfortunately, a good number of these businesses are learning that getting political often comes with certain consequences in the free market.

New updates from Breitbart News confirm that a brewing company that professed support for Black Lives Matter is now facing mass boycotts from unhappy consumers.

The Boycott of Montauk Brewing Company

Montauk Brewing Company has attracted some negative attention after openly backing Black Lives Matter online and vowing to donate to the group.

Following this, a police officer in Suffolk County started the “Defund Montauk Brewing Company” group on Facebook earlier this month. At this time, the private group has garnered more than 30,000 members, censuring Montauk Brewing Company for backing the “extremist organization” that is Black Lives Matter.

Negative attention surrounding the brewing company is not merely limited to Facebook though. Montauk Brewing Company now holds an abundance of scathingly negative Yelp reviews; in fact, Yelp themselves had to post a note on Montauk Brewing Company’s page to explain that the reviews section is being monitored.

Montauk Brewing Company has attempted to walk things back a bit by claiming that they also donate funding to firefighters and police, but it might be too little, too late.

Black Lives Matter vs. Blue Lives Matter

Like Montauk Brewing Company, certain supporters of Black Lives Matter have attempted to argue that backing the group is not an inherent rebuke of law enforcement.

However, there are many, many Americans who feel otherwise. Since the inception of Black Lives Matter, they repeatedly denounced and vilified police. Moreover, Black Lives Matter has chanted in the streets calling for “dead cops.” At this time in our nation’s history, Black Lives Matter is also leading the charge to defund and abolish law enforcement.

Companies openly supportive of Black Lives Matter are, therefore, continuing to face scrutiny.

Do you think supporting Black Lives Matter was a poor business move for Montauk Brewing Company? Let us know in the comments section below!

HEADLINES-----AUGUST 31, 2020 Get briefed on today's top stories with Michael Voris. August 31, 2020 16 Comments


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AUGUST 31, 2020

Get briefed on today's top stories with Michael Voris.

August 31, 2020  16 Comments
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