Friday, January 1, 2021

Vaccine rollout is more like a dribble so far. What went wrong? Yahoo News KATE MURPHY December 30, 2020, 4:23 PM


Vaccine rollout is more like a dribble so far. What went wrong?


“The Trump administration’s plan to distribute vaccines is falling behind, far behind,” President-elect Joe Biden said this week.

Back in October, President Trump had promised to deliver “100 million doses of a safe vaccine before the end of the year.” Earlier this month, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar said, “based on current production schedules, we expect to have enough doses to vaccinate 20 million Americans by the end of this year.”

Alex Azar
Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar. (Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

Well, the end of 2020 is here. As of Dec. 28, 2.1 million Americans had received the first of two doses out of approximately 11.5 million that have been distributed, according to the Centers for Disease Control website. “That number might increase by several [tens of thousands] just because of the delay in information, but certainly nowhere close to 20 million,” says Yahoo News Medical contributor Dr. Kavita Patel. (Gen. Gustave Perna, who is leading Operation Warp Speed, updated the number of doses distributed to over 14 million on Wednesday during a press briefing.)

Biden expressed concern this week that if vaccine distribution “continues to move as it is now, it’s going to take years, not months, to vaccinate the American people.” And Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, now believes the country will need to vaccinate between 80 and 85 percent of Americans — more than 250 million people — to achieve herd immunity, an increase from an earlier estimate of 70 percent.

CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen broke down the numbers of how long this would take at our current rate of vaccination distribution:

So what’s the delay in getting the COVID-19 vaccine into people’s bodies?

Dr. Patel says there are two factors at work: a mismatch between demand and the vaccine allocations given to the states, and confusion stemming from the absence of a uniform policy on who should be inoculated first. “Most of the states got less than they expected,” she said. “I do think that states which are incredibly underfunded, stressed and dealing with their own COVID testing and treatment dilemmas are now being asked to do this incredibly logistically complicated effort to vaccinate people.”

On top of that, Patel says vaccination guidelines vary from state to state. “If you’re in the state of Texas, for example, the next priority population after frontline health care workers in nursing homes is actually people over the age of 16 with chronic conditions.” She says that guidance differs from D.C., for example, where they are following CDC guidelines — so the people next in line to receive the vaccine after health care workers would be frontline, essential workers. “Those differences are confusing because if I drive from one jurisdiction to another, I could have a completely different set of options for vaccination,” Patel says. She proposes that if there were unified, binding national guidance, it would help to clear up this confusion.

A pharmacist prepares COVID-19 vaccine
A pharmacist prepares a COVID-19 vaccine for staff and residents at a senior living community in Falls Church, Va. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

Regardless, Patel expects the vaccination rate to pick up dramatically. She believes it’s possible for individual clinics or retail pharmacies to give about 100 COVID-19 vaccinations per day, based on how many flu shots her clinic can administer.

However, Patel says that depends on whether there will be enough vaccine supply from Pfizer and Moderna. “We're going to need other manufacturers to have successful trials and be authorized for us to get to a summer where we have a majority of people vaccinated.”

President-elect Biden pledged that once he’s in office, he plans to invoke the Defense Production Act to boost vaccine production, working toward his goal of administering 100 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine within his first 100 days in office — speeding up the process from a rate of a million a week to a million a day.

But 100 million is still less than half of what Fauci thinks will be needed to achieve herd immunity.


Read more from Yahoo News:

Bomb-sniffing dogs? Check. Times Square crowd? Not this year Associated Press December 31, 2020, 8:25 PM


Bomb-sniffing dogs? Check. Times Square crowd? Not this year


NEW YORK (AP) — New York City police turned to familiar tactics ahead of Thursday's New Year's Eve celebrations, deploying bomb-sniffing dogs and sand-filled sanitation trucks intended to guard against explosions.

But the department's playbook this year includes an unusual mandate: preventing crowds of any size from gathering in Times Square.

Citing concerns over the spread of COVID-19, police closed the Crossroads of the World to vehicles and pedestrians at midnight and said they would disperse any onlookers venturing into a so-called “frozen zone" — the blocks surrounding the ball that historically draw shoulder-to-shoulder crowds.

The coronavirus has upended public life for months, and New Year's Eve will be no different. This year, police said, revelers headed to Times Square won't be permitted past police lines.

“If you think you’re going to be able to stand there and watch the ball, you’re mistaken," Chief of Department Terence Monahan said, referring to the glittering, crystal ball that descends down a flagpole in Times Square each New Year's Eve to mark the stroke of midnight.

Still, Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed, “It’s going to be a joyous night, if ever there was one. Goodbye, 2020. Here comes something better: 2021."

“I cannot wait to get started” turning the page on a year when New York became an epicenter of the pandemic in spring, the Democratic mayor said. The city has counted over 25,000 deaths blamed on the virus.

The NYPD announced a two-part freeze that will become more expansive at 3 p.m. Even guests at five hotels in the area have been told to stay inside.

Juanita Holmes, chief of patrol for the NYPD, urged would-be partygoers to ring in 2021 “from the comfort of your home.”

“Coming to Times Square is a family tradition for some. It is a bucket list item for others. But this year is different,” she said. “I can’t emphasize enough how important it is for everyone to stay home.”

The Police Department will still roll out heavy weapons teams, explosive-sniffing dogs, drones and sand trucks. But it has planned a drastically scaled-back presence in Times Square, including an 80% reduction in its typical workforce assigned to the area.

“We always have to prepare for the worst in terms of counterterrorism overlays,” Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said, "but the crowds will not be like they were in other years.”

This year's celebration will unfold without the usual throngs of cheering, kissing revelers. Indeed, the event’s special guests, first responders and essential workers, were expected to watch the festivities from a private, well-spaced area.

“It’s almost like a ‘Seinfeld’ episode,” Shea said, invoking the 1990s “show about nothing.”

“This is a ball drop about nothing, where you can’t see," he said, "so you may as well stay home.”

Lindsey Graham calls for stand-alone vote on $2,000 stimulus checks HuffPost HAYLEY MILLER December 31, 2020, 2:00 PM


Lindsey Graham calls for stand-alone vote on $2,000 stimulus checks


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Thursday called for a stand-alone vote in the Senate on a House-passed bill for $2,000 coronavirus relief payments. In doing so, Graham broke from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who has drawn bipartisan backlash for refusing to bring the measure to a vote.

McConnell said Wednesday that there’s “no realistic path to quickly” pass the proposed legislation to boost the $600 stimulus checks outlined in the most recent COVID-19 relief package to $2,000 for every eligible American.

“I think if you had a standalone vote on the $2,000 check, it might pass,” Graham said during an appearance on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday.

President Donald Trump, whose administration helped negotiate the relief package, stunned Republicans last week when he called on lawmakers to boost the payments to $2,000 ― something some Democrats have been pushing for for months.

Trump eventually signed the relief bill into law on Sunday but made three requests of Congress: pass $2,000 checks, roll back certain protections granted to social media companies and establish a commission to investigate election fraud. (Trump has continued to push baseless claims of widespread voter fraud, even though the Justice Department and election officials nationwide have said they’ve found no evidence of such fraud.)

The Democratic-controlled House passed a bill for the $2,000 checks on Monday, but McConnell has blocked Senate Democrats’ efforts to move on it in the upper chamber.

“The Senate is not going to split apart the three issues that President Trump linked together just because Democrats are afraid to address two of them,” McConnell said from the Senate floor Wednesday.

But Graham’s comments Thursday signaled more Republicans may be ready to join them in their drive for a separate vote on the checks.


“Here’s the facts: 70% of Republicans don’t want to go to $2,000,” Graham told “Fox & Friends.” “They think it’s a $430 billion cost to the Treasury. They think it’s an inefficient way of giving money to people hurting. ... But I’m with the president on this.”

Graham urged McConnell to hold a separate vote on the checks after Jan. 3, when the new Congress has been sworn in.

“I’d like a stand-alone vote in the new Congress on the $2,000 check,” Graham said. “We have seven Republicans who have already said they’d vote for it. We need five more. I think if we had the vote, it would get there.”

He said McConnell should also hold separate votes on protections for social media companies and the so-called election fraud commission.

McConnell’s office did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.

Watch Graham’s full interview on “Fox & Friends” below:

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

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