Friday, November 1, 2024

Practicing Catholics Reveal Traditional Attitudes About Receiving the Eucharist by Edwin Benson October 30, 2024

 Practicing Catholics Reveal Traditional Attitudes About Receiving the Eucharist

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The Eucharist is the centerpiece of Catholic worship since it is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, it should be an essential belief among Catholics.

However, Catholics, in general, are often ignorant of the full significance of the Eucharist. A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that 69% of Catholics in the United States believe that the bread and wine used in Communion are symbols of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

These results included non-practicing or nominal Catholics. Among practicing Catholics, the results are much more encouraging.

Over the summer of 2024, an organization called the Real Presence Coalition (RPC) attempted to determine the sense of practicing Catholics toward the Sacrament.

The RPC describes itself as “an informal group of influential Catholics working to restore belief in Jesus Christ’s Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.”

In July 2024, the RPC conducted a survey and released the results in September.

Committed Catholics

The RPC poll measured the concerns and attitudes of those who take their religious obligations seriously. This earnestness is reflected in the fact that 96% of respondents participate in Holy Mass at least weekly, and half of that group either go daily or several times a week.” Slightly over 40% participate in Eucharistic adoration at least weekly. The vast majority (84%) had been Catholic since infancy, and a further 11% converted over ten years ago. In stark contrast to the 2019 Pew survey, 97% of respondents expressed complete acceptance of the Real Presence.

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The respondents expressed a genuine variance of opinion regarding the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) as opposed to the Novus Ordo (NO) liturgy. While 21% identified as “exclusively TLM,” 36% attended only the NO Mass. The largest group—43%—were “primarily NO, occasional TLM.” Thus, nearly eighty percent were not traditionalists.

The respondents gave many reasons why they think the Eucharist is not known and respected.

Receiving the Sacrament

In light of the RPC’s emphasis on the Eucharist, most participants were concerned about the process of receiving the Sacrament. Over half expressed concern with the common practice of receiving in the hand in a standing posture, indicating that this practice leads to a loss of reverence and “increases the risk of profaning the Eucharist.” The vast preference was for reception on the tongue, while many respondents also expressed a preference for kneeling during reception.

Particularly surprising was the widespread concern over using “Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist.”Redemptionis Sacramentum, issued in 2004, states clearly, “the name ‘minister of the Eucharist’ belongs properly to the Priest alone. Moreover, also by reason of their sacred Ordination, the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are the Bishop, the Priest and the Deacon.” It continues, “If, moreover, reasons of real necessity prompt it, another lay member of Christ’s faithful may also be delegated by the diocesan Bishop, in accordance with the norm of law, for one occasion or for a specified time, and an appropriate formula of blessing may be used for the occasion.” The implication is clear. Extraordinary Ministers are supposed to be just that—extraordinary.

However, at many Masses, these ministers’ presence is not extraordinary at all. Indeed, virtually all feature at least one—and often several. The thinking behind this innovation was to facilitate more rapid distribution under the premise that shaving five minutes off of the Mass is somehow essential. Even so, the vast majority of respondents expressed concern. In fact, 65% of respondents said they go out of their way to receive directly from a priest.

Excluding Those in Grave Sin

Another related concern amongst the committed laity is the violation of number 915 in the Code of Canon Law. It states, “Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted…and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.” (Emphasis added.) The laity correctly sees the leniency extended to public officials who support and assist in implementing policies in direct opposition to Catholic teaching as an ongoing scandal.

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Unfortunately, though, any outcry is met by certain Church officials as a fault in the person who is scandalized. The consequence of such reactions is that many with poorly formed consciences or those considering conversion see the Church as inconsistent, weak, hypocritical and willing to “play favorites” with the powerful. The inevitable result is that Church leadership loses the trust and confidence of the committed laity, those whose connections to the Church are weak and the neophytes.

Objections Against an Irreverent Atmosphere

A surprisingly large number also expressed dismay at the “lack of humility and reverence in the presence of the Eucharist” on the part of other attendees and even priests. Too many parishes seek to foster a “relaxed” atmosphere under the misconception that most worshippers shun formality. This attitude takes many forms.

Too often, light and unimportant talk is a feature of the period before and after Mass and even during the part of the Mass known as “exchanging a sign of peace” after the consecration but before the distribution of Holy Communion. Such conversations often display no sense of the Real Presence of Our Lord either in the Tabernacle or on the Altar.

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Such unfortunate attitudes are also reflected in the standards of dress reflected at Holy Mass. Yet, no topic is more likely to be ignored, even by priests who otherwise attempt to promote reverence at Holy Mass as they officiate.

Preference for the Traditional

Oftentimes, traditionally minded members of the laity sense such concerns but keep them to themselves. They fear being labeled as “exclusionary,” “judgmental” or any of the myriad terms modernists use to describe their opponents.

All too often, there is also the sense that those who truly care about maintaining reverence during Holy Mass are alone—that nobody else shares their concerns. If nothing else, the RPC survey should be a comfort. Such worshippers are not alone.

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Terror: Illegal Immigrant Gang MS-13’s ‘Satanic’ Violence Spreads Fear Across US


Terror: Illegal Immigrant Gang MS-13’s ‘Satanic’ Violence Spreads Fear Across US 

The violent MS-13 gang, notorious for “satanic” rituals and brutal crimes, is spreading terror across U.S. communities, with most members being illegal immigrants who should not have been allowed into the country in the first place.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele recently spoke out about the gang’s horrific practices, including ritual murders and child sacrifices intended to instill fear and control. Known for violent “satanic” acts, MS-13 has drawn scrutiny from law enforcement, especially in cases where members claim they commit murder in the name of “the beast.”

In a recent interview, President Bukele shared the story of a former MS-13 member who left the gang after being ordered to kill a baby as a ritual sacrifice. He described how the man’s leaders demanded the child’s life as a sacrificial offering to their symbolic “beast.” The story highlights the violent reputation MS-13 brings to communities both in Central America and the U.S.

The gang’s grisly activities have reached U.S. soil in multiple high-profile cases. In Maryland’s Wheaton Regional Park, authorities recently discovered a mutilated body buried in a shallow grave, bearing over a hundred stab wounds. Court papers revealed that the victim had been decapitated, dismembered, and had his heart cut from his chest, in what officials called a “satanic murder.” A similar incident in Texas involved two MS-13 members convicted for the murder of a teenager in 2017. The girl was reportedly killed after disrespecting a shrine to Santa Muerte, the Saint of Death, which the gang considers sacred.

Other cases point to MS-13’s consistent use of symbolic rituals. According to reports, MS-13’s criminal acts frequently include acts of “satanic” homage, such as gang members displaying devil horns tattoos and using hand signs. A former gang member, known as “Diabolical,” told investigators that he killed a 15-year-old girl at “the beast’s” command. Additionally, a former gang member testified in a Virginia court that MS-13 initiated members through violent rites, including blood-drinking oaths and sacrifices, cementing the gang’s dark culture.

Sheriff Mike Chapman of Loudoun County, Virginia, has condemned the ongoing violence associated with MS-13. He criticized the “casual treatment” of illegal immigrants tied to violent gangs, noting that MS-13’s activities pose a growing threat to communities in the U.S. Law enforcement agencies in multiple states continue to uncover MS-13’s ritualistic and violent acts, which have been linked to other similar cases across the nation.

The gang, officially known as Mara Salvatrucha, traces its roots back to the 1970s in Los Angeles, where it was originally formed by Salvadoran immigrants involved in drug and music culture. Anthropologists note that a subset of the gang embraced satanic rituals early on, practicing animal sacrifices and devil worship. After the U.S. deported many MS-13 members in the 1990s, the gang reestablished itself in Central America, where it rapidly expanded its criminal activities. Today, MS-13 operates internationally, using satanic symbolism and brutal violence to spread fear and maintain control in both the U.S. and abroad.


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