Monday, December 28, 2015

Steve Chapman Hillary Clinton's Christmas Gifts f SHARE
Derek Hunter
Looking Back At 2015: The Best, Worst And The Rest
Bruce Bialosky
The Jewish Joy of Christmas Services
Paul Jacob
Fact Checking for Partisan Fun and Profit
Steve Chapman
Hillary Clinton's Christmas Gifts
Matt Barber
The Gift of Religious Freedom
Kevin McCullough
Governing Without Restrictions
Florida Congressman Hurt on Hoverboard
Christine Rousselle
Liberals Beat Bieber To UK Chart Top Spot With Healthcare Song
Andre Walker
ISIS To Israel: Palestine Will Become Your Grave
Matt Vespa
Anonymous Claims Responsibility for Massive Cyberattack Against Turkey
Leah Barkoukis
DHS: Coming In January, Massive Deportation Raids
Matt Vespa
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Did Bernie Sanders just send the 'most economically illiterate tweet ever'?

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And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses, and said: "Because I drew him out of the water." EXODUS (2:10)

 Life lesson: how to reach your goals | 15 Tevet 5776
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And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses, and said: "Because I drew him out of
the water."

EXODUS (2:10)

וַיִּגְדַּל הַיֶּלֶד וַתְּבִאֵהוּ לְבַת פַּרְעֹה וַיְהִי לָהּ לְבֵן וַתִּקְרָא שְׁמוֹ מֹשֶׁה וַתֹּאמֶר כִּי מִן הַמַּיִם מְשִׁיתִהוּ

שמות ב:י

va-yig-dal ha-ye-led vat-vi-ay-hu l'-vat pa-ro va-y'-hee la l'-vayn va-tik-ra sh'-mo mo-she va-to-mer kee min ha-mai-yim m'-shee-ti-hu

Today's Israel Inspiration

In an amazing lesson, our Sages describe that Pharoah's daughter stretched out her arm to reach baby Moses' basket, and miraculously her arm became long enough to take hold of it. This teaches us that we should never assume that a task is impossible, for God can enable us to attain any goal. Recently a family in Israel discovered that the impossible can turn to good in an instant. Karmey Chesed ("Vineyards of Kindness") learned of a family with young children whose water had been turned off due to lack of payment. Karmey Chesed gave them the funds necessary to have their water restored, and realized that if their water was turned off, there were certainly other things lacking in the household. After finding out a bit about the family's situation, Karmey Chesed also provided them with a large food package as well as other basic appliances that they were lacking. Karmey Chesed is supporting Israel through helping her people.

Godly History of the Jews

This fantastic video will leave you incredulous about how Divine providence has led the Jewish people throughout time, and despite everything.

Overcoming Emotional Demons after a Terror Attack

As the wave of terror continues throughout Israel, Karmey Chesed gives terror victims ongoing assistance to battle emotional demons as a result of an attack.

"Prophecy and Divine Intervention" Book

Prophecy and Divine Inspiration" brings the historical era and the internal mind of the Prophets to life for the contemporary reader. This comprehensive text demonstrates that the means by which the prophets, mystics, sages and rabbis throughout history have achieved prophetic experience and Divine inspiration are as available today as they were in the past. Hardcover, 494 pages

Today's Israel Photo

Israeli flags line a beautiful Tel Aviv beach by Elad Matityahu.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Kathleen Pirl of Sonora, California. Todah rabah!

“You Make God My First Priority Every Morning”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
You make God my first priority every morning. Shalom from Sarasota, Florida - Jody Webber

Thank you for your correspondance with me. I live in  Ponchatoula, Louisiana and I stand with Israel and will forever. I am a Christian but I pray for Israel, God's chosen people, everyday... Thank you for taking the time to send me e-mails on the situation there. Carolyn
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Orthodox Rabbis Bring Jesus Home for Christmas* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2343
Sunday, December 27, 2015
To read all of today's news items in full, click here!* Daily Newsletter&utm_content=2343
Hate Wedding and Demons Unleashed
Israel's already divided society is being pulled further apart by the new specter of 'Jewish terror'
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Israeli Aid Workers Abused by UN Staff at Refugee Camp
Anti-Semitic slurs hurled at Jewish women volunteering with Israeli humanitarian group; UN staff member fired
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Orthodox Rabbis Bring Jesus Home for Christmas
We're witnessing the undoing of 2,000 years of Jewish rejection and animosity towards Jesus, a miracle by any estimation
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Arabic-Speaking Christian IDF Soldiers Celebrate Christmas
Christian enlistment in the Israeli army continues to grow, as does mainstream Israeli recognition of the phenomenon
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Archeology in Israel confirms the Bible as true
Europe Product Labelling: A toothless tiger
Yeshua on Talk Radio: Interview with David Lazarus
Can a Muslim Arab be a proud Zionist?
Do you know what Obama's role is in the building freeze in Jerusalem?
Our January 2016 issue has been published!
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