In an amazing lesson, our Sages describe that Pharoah's daughter stretched
out her arm to reach baby Moses' basket, and miraculously her arm became long
enough to take hold of it. This teaches us that we should never assume that a
task is impossible, for God can enable us to attain any goal. Recently a family
in Israel discovered that the impossible can turn to good in an instant. Karmey
Chesed ("Vineyards of Kindness") learned of a family with young children whose
water had been turned off
due to lack of payment. Karmey Chesed gave them the funds necessary to have
their water restored, and realized that if their water was turned off, there
were certainly other things lacking in the household. After finding out a bit
about the family's situation, Karmey Chesed also provided them with a large food
package as well as other basic appliances that they were lacking. Karmey Chesed
is supporting Israel through helping her people.