Saturday, December 31, 2016

Nick Cannon Won't Back Down, Says Planned Parenthood Wants to 'Exterminate' Blacks "Margaret Sanger said that she wanted to exterminate the negro race."

Nick Cannon Won't Back Down, Says Planned Parenthood Wants to 'Exterminate' Blacks

"Margaret Sanger said that she wanted to exterminate the negro race."

Rapper and TV personality Nick Cannon will not back down from his unflinching attack on Planned Parenthood. After calling the abortion conglomerate the "real genocide" on black Americans, he has doubled-down on his point and made no apologies. 
Speaking with DJ Vlad, Cannon spoke about Planned Parenthood's infamous founder Margaret Sanger and her eugenics history. 
"When you talked about Margaret Sanger," he said, "all the people who follow eugenics. It was all about cleansing."
"Margaret Sanger said that she wanted to exterminate the negro race, and that she was going to use her organization as she founded to do so," Cannon continued. "It was more about the sterilization and where it comes to actual ethnic cleansing — where they actually said we want to get rid of a class of people a group of people. Seventy-five percent of them are all in the hood."
"They like to label ‘feeble-minded’ or ‘lower-class,’ that’s what they used in public. In private, they were talking about the black community."
The America's Got Talent star said that while Planned Parenthood does some good things, it should be held accountable for "all the negative things."
On the issue of abortion, Cannon said his opposition was more personal than political. 
"I’m pro-Nick because my mother did go to an abortion clinic to abort me," he said. "I don’t feel like the government should have the right. I don’t feel like any organization that makes money should have the right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body."

NYT Top-Read Stories of 2016 Highlights Clinton Loyalties, All-Out Trump Assault We’re shocked, SHOCKED.

NYT Top-Read Stories of 2016 Highlights Clinton Loyalties, All-Out Trump Assault

We’re shocked, SHOCKED.

Op-ed columnist David Leonhardt of The New York Times revealed the top-read editorials by subscribers for 2016 and the results confirm the paper’s distinction as a left-wing propaganda machine.
The Grey Lady endorsed the gray lady, Hillary Clinton, as expected. But with the subject matter of most of the 1,200 editorials written for 2016, it is clearer than ever that the NYT’s sworn duty is not to report the facts but to sway the public’s opinion.
The top five most-read op-eds dealt with either Clinton or Donald Trump, Leonhardt said:
The editorial board’s endorsement of Clinton in the Democratic primary race led the list, followed by her endorsement in the general election; a follow-up editorial on why Trump should not be president; an editorial on Trump’s history of sexual assault; and one on the threat to impeach Clinton if she had won.
Also adding to the list is Deputy Editorial Page Editor Terry Tang who personally chose five others that stood out to her, including “President Obama’s poignant goodbye at the Democratic convention,” “the political shocks of Brexit,” and, of course, “issues surrounding Donald Trump’s election."
Tang said:
“We published about 1,200 editorials this year, covering everything from the Syrian war to voting rights in North Carolina, with a good share of them trying to make sense of a wretched political season. These five capture some of the fears and frustrations that filled public life in 2016. They’re our take on some big events that brought people together and pushed them apart.”
“Capture the fears” — more like fear-mongering.
It’s no wonder subscriptions to the Time continue to spiral downward.

CNN's Beinart Calls It 'Racist' to Warn Jews Would Be Killed in Palestinian Arab State "Some Palestinians commit terrorism and many don't."

CNN's Beinart Calls It 'Racist' to Warn Jews Would Be Killed in Palestinian Arab State

"Some Palestinians commit terrorism and many don't."

On Thursday's New Day on CNN, pro-Palestinian CNN political commentator and The Atlantic contributor Peter Beinart declared angrily that it is "a racist claim to suggest that Palestinians would inherently kill Jews."
Beinart's defense of the "Palestinian" people came in response to former CIA director James Woolsey's reasonable warning that Jews trying to live in a Palestinian Arab state would be in grave danger of being murdered in their homes:
Israeli Arabs -- that is, Muslim usually -- as citizens of Israel, about one-sixth of the Israeli population, can go to bed at night without fear that someone is going to bash in their front door and kill them. They have their own members in the Knesset, they have supreme court justices, they have their own publications, they lead a very reasonable life, particularly for the Middle East.

That sort of life is not possible for a Jew living in the West Bank governed by the Palestinians. They will be killed. And if you even sell property to an Israeli, you'll get killed.
Newsbusters reports that Woolsey had argued that Arab hostility toward Jews is the reason there is no peace with Israel. This sent Beinart into a tizzy:
"The claim that Palestinians would inevitably kill Jews in the West Bank, I have, I have Jewish friends, Israelis who live in the West Bank. It's frankly a racist claim to suggest that Palestinians would inherently kill Jews. That's -- some Palestinians commit terrorism and many don't."
Newbusters also rightly noted that Beinart also dismissed complaints about the Palestinian Authority's refusal to recognize Israel as a "Jewish state,"
without acknowledging that the point of such a recognition would be that the Palestinian leadership would not only call off their stated goal of taking over all of Israel, but also also stop pressing for Israel to accept several million Palestinian Arabs who are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Arab refugees as part of that goal to make Jews a minority who would lose control of Israel. Palestinian leaders have repeatedly refused to drop the Right of Return demand as they have rejected Israeli offers to recognize a Palestinian Arab state in 2000, 2001 and 2008.
For more about Peter Beinart's leftism, check out his profile here at the Freedom Center's Discover the Networks resource site.

Mexican Charged With Rape had 19 Deportations, Removals

Mexican Charged With Rape had 19 Deportations, Removals

"If someone is deported and they have family members here... they will find a way back whether it is through the air, under a wall, through the coast of the U.S."

A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in an alleged Sept. 27 attack aboard a Greyhound bus traveling through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003.
The Wichita Eagle reports that three U.S. Republican senators demanded immigration records from the Department of Homeland Security for Tomas Martinez-Maldonado, 38.
U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley from Iowa and Kansas' Jerry Moran and Pat Roberts co-signed a Dec. 9 letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, calling it "an extremely disturbing case" and questioning how Martinez-Maldonado was able to re-enter and remain in the country so many times.
Records show that Martinez-Maldonado had eight voluntary removals before his first deportation in 2010, followed by another voluntary removal that same year. He was deported five more times between 2011 and 2013.
In 2013, he was charged with entering without legal permission, a misdemeanor, and subsequently deported in early 2014 after serving his sentence. He was deported again a few months later, as well as twice in 2015 — including the last one in October 2015 after he had served his second sentence.
The Wichita Eagle further reports that court filings show Martinez-Maldonado has two misdemeanor convictions for entering without legal permission in cases prosecuted in 2013 and 2015.
It's not unusual to see immigrants with multiple entries without legal permission, said Topeka immigration attorney David Trevino, who has provided legal advice to Martinez-Maldonado's family, most of whom live in Mexico, but some of whom live in the United States.
"(President-elect Donald Trump) can build a wall 100 feet high and 50 feet deep, but it is not going to keep family members separated," said Trevino. "So if someone is deported and they have family members here ... they will find a way back — whether it is through the air, under a wall, through the coast of the United States."
Sen. Moran told the AP in an email that the immigration system is "broken":
There must be serious legislative efforts to address U.S. immigration policy, and we must have the ability to identify, prosecute and deport illegal aliens who display violent tendencies before they have an opportunity to perpetrate these crimes in the United States.
A status hearing in the rape case is scheduled for Jan. 10.

Kellyanne Conway Worried D.C. Private Schools Won't Accept Kids "Kellyanne is asking everyone with connections to DC schools for help."

Kellyanne Conway Worried D.C. Private Schools Won't Accept Kids

"Kellyanne is asking everyone with connections to DC schools for help."

Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway has expressed worry, albeit with a slight grin, that D.C. elites won't let her kids into private school when she moves there take on her job as counselor to the president.
Speaking with Richard Johnson on Page Six, Conway spoke about receiving some heckles from a few when seeing her kids, George and Claudia, perform a concert at Elisabeth Morrow School in Englewood, NJ, on Thursday night. Also in attendance was Alicia Keys, there to see her goddaughter perform.  
"But after the concert, all the parents converged on Kellyanne, congratulating and sucking up to her," said one source. "Kellyanne is asking everyone with connections to DC schools for help."
According to Johnson, Conway spoke about some of her amusement over the experience of looking for schools. 
"I would not characterize myself as ‘worried’ so much as amused by the silence and sighs on the other end of the phone when friends and allies have made preliminary inquiries on our behalf," she said.  
On the doctrines of "diversity" and "open-mindedness" preached in so many elite D.C. schools, Conway joked, "For some, there is a comfort in sameness."
One silver lining she claims, however, has been "the flood" of help people have offered on both parties. 

Trump to Fill 100+ Vacancies on the Federal Bench "One of the most important legacies a president leaves behind."

Trump to Fill 100+ Vacancies on the Federal Bench

"One of the most important legacies a president leaves behind."

President-elect Donald Trump has the opportunity to nominate over 107 judges to the federal judiciary during his tenure, almost the number of vacancies President Obama inherited from President George W. Bush in 2008.
Throughout the election, all eyes were on whom Trump would appoint to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia, but few, including #NeverTrumpers, didn't fully consider his impact on the lower courts. 
According to Elizabeth Wydra, president of the Constitutional Accountability Center, lower court nominees "are often one of the most important legacies a president leaves behind," and it's hard to dispute considering how many lower court appointees have been the deciding factor in various culture war issues and religious freedom. 
Although the Supreme Court gets the most national attention, it hears the fewest number of cases compared to the other federal courts. Its nine justices accept fewer than 100 cases a year on appeal — only 10 percent of all petitions for certiorari.
The impact of the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, directly under the Supreme Court, cannot be underestimated. The 13 U.S. Circuit Courts rule on 35,000 cases per year; considering Obama has stacked the courts with left-leaning appointments, their impact on shaping federal law is enormous. Here's a quick look at the make-up of the lower courts.
There are 179 judges who sit on the 13 U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal. Each circuit has from six to 28 judges, including a chief judge who's typically chosen based on seniority. The chief judge in his respective circuit court assigns cases to be heard by a panel of three appellate judges per case.
In both terms, Obama has seated 329 left-leaning federal judges, equaling 10 percent of 3,294 federal judges. Worse still, when Obama came in power, only "one of the 13 circuits had a liberal majority. In just 8 years, "nine of the circuits are now under the control of left-leaning judges."
The #NeverTrump movement never addressed this particular issue if Hillary Clinton were to take office. In short, we dodged a bullet. 

Congressman Gohmert: Obama Like a Batman Villain "I immediately thought of Batman Begins."

Congressman Gohmert: Obama Like a Batman Villain

"I immediately thought of Batman Begins."

Congressman Louie Gohmert says President Obama resembles Batman villain Ra's al Ghul from Batman Begins, the character made famous by Liam Neeson. 
Gohmert's rather colorful comparison came on Fox and Friends when talking about Obama's policy on immigrants and ISIS, which he has repeatedly made false promises to stop while making Western defenses weaker. 
"This president, he's been told by ISIS, we're going to get terrorists in with the refugees, and he says, ‘Great, send 'em, let's bring 'em on, we're going to have them all here for Trump.'"
According to Ghomert, these actions resembe Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins because he attempted to destroy Gotham City after releasing criminals from Arkham Asylum and flooding the city in panic-inducing toxin.  
"I immediately thought of Batman Begins," he said. "What do you do if you want to destroy the big city? Well first they let the criminals go. What's the president doing? He's letting as many criminals as he can go. And then you bring in outsiders to help destroy what's left."
In this play of Batman comparisons, Donald Trump would not be Batman, according to Gohmert, but rather Commissioner Gordon.  
"Trump is the guy who comes sweeping in with the medicine that saves the city," he concluded.
If not Trump, then who is "The Batman?"

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