Saturday, December 31, 2016

Congressman Gohmert: Obama Like a Batman Villain "I immediately thought of Batman Begins."

Congressman Gohmert: Obama Like a Batman Villain

"I immediately thought of Batman Begins."

Congressman Louie Gohmert says President Obama resembles Batman villain Ra's al Ghul from Batman Begins, the character made famous by Liam Neeson. 
Gohmert's rather colorful comparison came on Fox and Friends when talking about Obama's policy on immigrants and ISIS, which he has repeatedly made false promises to stop while making Western defenses weaker. 
"This president, he's been told by ISIS, we're going to get terrorists in with the refugees, and he says, ‘Great, send 'em, let's bring 'em on, we're going to have them all here for Trump.'"
According to Ghomert, these actions resembe Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins because he attempted to destroy Gotham City after releasing criminals from Arkham Asylum and flooding the city in panic-inducing toxin.  
"I immediately thought of Batman Begins," he said. "What do you do if you want to destroy the big city? Well first they let the criminals go. What's the president doing? He's letting as many criminals as he can go. And then you bring in outsiders to help destroy what's left."
In this play of Batman comparisons, Donald Trump would not be Batman, according to Gohmert, but rather Commissioner Gordon.  
"Trump is the guy who comes sweeping in with the medicine that saves the city," he concluded.
If not Trump, then who is "The Batman?"

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