Live Action 2200 Wilson Blvd. Suite 102 PMB 111, Arlington, VA 22201
Friday, January 31, 2020
carl, we won’t be intimidated or bullied into silence. We won’t stop fighting for the truth and for innocent preborn children. But, we cannot wage this battle without pro-life people, like you, by our side. Please stand with Live Action today - and thank you for your support on behalf of the preborn.
Live Action 2200 Wilson Blvd. Suite 102 PMB 111, Arlington, VA 22201
As a member of Ethiopia’s ancient Gefat community, she’s a tiny, fragile member of a group descended from one of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” that has for centuries practiced distinctively Jewish customs and traditions.
Her name is Eldana. It means “knowledge of God.” She’s 3 years old — a precious child.
As a member of Ethiopia’s ancient Gefat community, she’s a tiny, fragile member of a group descended from one of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” that has for centuries practiced distinctively Jewish customs and traditions.
To God and Eldana’s family, the worth of her life and health is beyond calculation. But in truth, all it takes is $15, just pennies a day, to help save the life of a child like Eldana.
You see, Eldana is thirsty. And the relentless equatorial sun regularly drives her to the mudhole at the edge of her village. This is her family’s primary water source.
But the water is not safe to drink. So Eldana must decide if she’s thirsty enough to dip her little plastic cup into the reddish-brown liquid and then drink it.
At just 3 years of age, she knows the water smells bad. What she doesn't know is that it’s teeming with bacteria which can make her desperately sick — and may very well leave her blind, or even kill her.
She dips. She hesitates, eyeing the murky water in her cup. She drinks. Thirst wins. It always does. No child should ever have to make this choice.
Even so, this heartbreaking scene plays out day after day, with child after child, among people of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and other African nations.
And that’s why I’m writing you today.
We made a promise to the Gefat people that we would help them — to clean up their unsafe water by bringing them as many LifeStraws as possible on our next Medical Outreach there.
So, what’s a LifeStraw?
It’s a remarkable, almost miraculous, personal water filtration device that provides roughly 4,000 liters of clean, life-giving water.
Its beauty is in both its simplicity and its cost: It provides a day’s worth of life-saving water for merely pennies!
Right now, you can deliver a LifeStraw to a child like Eldana or another member of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” for only $15. And $75 will provide a Family LifeStraw — enough clean drinking water for a family of five for three years!
The best news is, this blessing of purified water is delivered along with the Good News about the Messiah who described Himself as “Living Water”!
Will you provide a LifeStraw to at least one person in desperate need by sending the most generous, compassion-filled gift you can right now?
To the Jew first and also to the Nations,
Jonathan Bernis
Jewish Voice Ministries International
P.S. Drinking filthy water is a choice no child should have to make. That’s why I hope you’ll rush your best gift now. And as you give, remember that God has promised to bless you when you bless the Jewish people, especially those who are oppressed and impoverished.
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She Survived Abortion
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