#Beginning of Sorrows II
By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)
A voice cries in the darkness
It has begun!
Hold steadfast in the believes that you know are true
Let not yourself be lead a stray.
When you hear rumors of there he is,
And here he comes soon,
Hold stead fast to the truths you have learned so long ago from the book of the written Word.
Head your Fathers warnings
Watch the heavens above.
Seek the sign in the coming clouds
Were you not told this so long ago?
The Apostasy has reared it's ugly untruths
The Leonardo Code
Said to be based in fact, yet so latently untrue.
If possible, believers might be fooled?
Were we not all warned in the book of all Truths?
The shroud of Turin
Labeled truth, yet unestablished
Forged in trickery
No so called experts willing to confirm.
No graven images under the heavens
Declared the very Word of God.
Yet men of Learnedness eagerly rally around subversion.
Taking away Jesus very sacrifice proclaiming it null.
For two thousand years
We held the Word as undeniable Truth
Yet in one generation have we so
Grossly forgotten all that we Learned?
Were we not told of a time
yet to come when our very family
Would betray us and turn us in for God's very sake.
It has begun,
So slow, so quite, So Deliberate.
Like a lion on the prowl.
Devouring all truths once learned in the Book of the Word.
Now is the time to prepare
Time does grow short for the unbelievers
Yet for those of us whom believe
We now prepare for the beginnings of Sorrows.
It has begun!
Hold steadfast in the believes that you know are true
Let not yourself be lead a stray.
When you hear rumors of there he is,
And here he comes soon,
Hold stead fast to the truths you have learned so long ago from the book of the written Word.
Head your Fathers warnings
Watch the heavens above.
Seek the sign in the coming clouds
Were you not told this so long ago?
The Apostasy has reared it's ugly untruths
The Leonardo Code
Said to be based in fact, yet so latently untrue.
If possible, believers might be fooled?
Were we not all warned in the book of all Truths?
The shroud of Turin
Labeled truth, yet unestablished
Forged in trickery
No so called experts willing to confirm.
No graven images under the heavens
Declared the very Word of God.
Yet men of Learnedness eagerly rally around subversion.
Taking away Jesus very sacrifice proclaiming it null.
For two thousand years
We held the Word as undeniable Truth
Yet in one generation have we so
Grossly forgotten all that we Learned?
Were we not told of a time
yet to come when our very family
Would betray us and turn us in for God's very sake.
It has begun,
So slow, so quite, So Deliberate.
Like a lion on the prowl.
Devouring all truths once learned in the Book of the Word.
Now is the time to prepare
Time does grow short for the unbelievers
Yet for those of us whom believe
We now prepare for the beginnings of Sorrows.
It has begun and, as Children of God, we must prepare. Time to puchase oil for our lamps, to make ready for His return.
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