Wednesday, January 8, 2014

#Beginning of Sorrows Trilogy-End?


#Beginning of Sorrows Trilogy-End?

By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)

Dark clouds have been seen over the horizon
A fear now permeates at the very soul of mankind
Signs in the heavens that were once prophesized
Now fill the dreams of our old and our young

Why is man so perplexed by these signs
Were we not for told these very things yet to come
Was it not in the Book
The book of the written Word

From the seven hills of Rome
Over seas of blood stained glass
Proclaim edicts, disclaiming previous knowledge
Time to tell there rewritten past.

Our precious children
So many raised with not an concept of The Father
Will turn on their parents, without an inkling of remorse
Unknowingly turning them into martyrs

Wow, for the loss of this generation
Wow, for the loss of children conceived never to be born
Wow, for the disintegration of the families
Wow, for the Christians whom now will be scorned

The beginning of Sorrows
So warned to come millennia's ago
Now is it's beginnings
So as it was prophesized so many years ago.
It has begun, time for we Christians to prepare and examine our believes. To hold steadfast to the Word that we know in our Hearts as the truth. This through the Written Word of our God and Savior.

Prepare, he knocks at our door. Will we let Him in?

God Bless you All

This poem has been viewed 47 times


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