Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Prophetic Poetry For That Which Will Come

Prophetic Poetry For That Which Will Come

#For They Cried Peace And Safety

by: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)

They cried
Peace and safety
So the story has been told

Little did they realize
They were calling
For there own destruction

Little did they realize
Peace and safety
would be there downfall

It was common knowledge
At least to those that new
For it was written in the book of the word

Peace and safety
Would be there downfall
These simple cry, meant the end of it all

But first the beginning
As the story had been told
Written in this book, this book of old

Peace and safety
The cry is now heard

Do you sense a change in the air. Something is not quite right in the atmosphere. The very heat of the day burns just a little bit hotter. Like the birth pains of a woman in labor. watch for the signs mentioned in the book of Revelations, please watch. amen

This poem has been viewed 114 times

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