Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Let This Mind Be In You

Letter from the publisher of The Good News magazine...
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Let This Mind Be In You

In Philippians 2:5 we are told to "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." What does it take to put on the mind of Christ? We begin our Christian journey and then continue educating ourselves through study and experiences. This year's 2013 Feast of Tabernacles video - "Let This Mind Be In You" - focuses on the education required for a changed mind.
The core part of the message is by UCG President, Victor Kubik, expounding God's Word and explaining how we can all have the mind of Jesus Christ as we seek first the Kingdom of God. He is joined by three United Church of God member's and their stories of how a changed mind works in us and in those around us.

As we look forward to God's Kingdom and anticipate the time when all of humanity will be learning of His ways this message will help all of us to be even more committed to having the mind of Christ in everything we do.

In Christ's service,
Victor Kubik
Victor Kubik
President - United Church of God, an International Association
Publisher of The Good News

This is the Way... Aren't We Peculiar?

There are no creatures on earth that can compare to man when we are referring to the mind. We are the only creatures who can talk ourselves into trouble and we are also the only creatures who by talking things over with others can find a way out of trouble. It would be good if we would avoid trouble altogether, but there are inner drives that push us to places we may not want to go under normal circumstances. We can talk ourselves into thinking we love someone or that someone loves us. We can talk ourselves into thinking we deserve more or that life is not fair (and it isn't).
One example of how a person reasons within himself is found in Mark 2:6-7. The scribes were sitting there observing the work Jesus was doing, but convincing themselves that it was blasphemy. They did not consider the marvel and goodness of each of Jesus' deeds. Trouble is that Almighty God can "hear" us reasoning in our own hearts (Mark 2:8). It takes a goodly amount of maturity of the mind and heart for a person to be able to control his thoughts until he gathers all the facts. That is why talking with others can be so helpful. Experience teaches us these great lessons if we are willing and able to hear.
The Next Age of Man: What Will It Be Like?
Egypt's Burden
Are You Just Following the Crowd?
How to Get Started With Effective Bible Study
Beyond Today: 666 and You!
Beyond Today: How to Stop a Porn Addiction
Beyond Today: Near Death Experiences
Is There Life On Other Planets?
Has the World Order Changed?
http://ucg.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1d04480cefc2e7c4492fe4a04&id=7683cb9a4f&e=7a79e7f723FREE Bible Study Aid -- What Happens After Death?

Life is precious to us. We don't want to die. But what really happens to us after death? Scientists, philosophers and even theologians don't agree. Where can we go for answers? Shouldn't we seek them from the Creator of life?
Editors Note:  We have combined the previous email newsletters (UCG.org, The Good News and This is the Way) into ONE informative email newsletter that is sent each week. This email newsletter from The Good News will feature a letter from the President of the United Church of God, an International Association, updates from the UCG.org website and a weekly This is the Way message.

We hope this email message will provide weekly encouragement and assist you in your study of the Bible and help you develop a better relationship with God, Jesus Christ and other people in your life. 
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