Expectations Of The Antichrist DVD Series
- There are many diverse anticipations concerning the Coming World Leader,
commonly referred to as “The Antichrist.” This study will explore the Biblical
descriptions with the specific expectations of the globalists, Islam, the
Vatican, Freemasonry, and others. Will he be a Nephilim? Why is the Vatican
openly preparing to receive an “alien” visitor?Will he be a resurrection of
Nimrod? Is his DNA a factor? What are the expectations of transhumanist
technologists in this regard? Clearly, the Bible has much more to illuminate
this issue far beyond the popular conceptions; and yet the composite perspective
will astonish most. Furthermore, is there a climactic cosmic deception being
prepared that, if it were possible, “it would deceive the very elect”? Jesus
commanded us, “Be not deceived.” But, how? How close are these events to our
current horizon?
Beast Tech Book - Most people today are
familiar with biometric identification technology that is increasingly expanding
within public and private firms as a method for verifying and tracking inventory
and people. Yet how many know a plan exists for widespread adoption of human
chip-tracking beginning in the year 2017? Students of escahatology (the study of
end time events) will find it increasingly difficult to dismiss how this all
looks and feels like movement towards fulfilling Revelation 13:16-17 - "And he
causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a
mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or
sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his
name."And, as newer versions of rfid-like transmitters become even more
sophisticated—adding other “prophetic” components such as merging human
biological matter with transistors to create living, implantable machines, the
authors of this book—a former police detective and a bestselling prophecy
writer—document how the mark of the Beast is just around the corner.