Wednesday, January 8, 2014

#The Coming Storm


#The Coming Storm

By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)

The Coming Storm

The world as we knew it
Has now ended, what was, will never be again
All that we had once, is now forever gone
For we are now on the run, to save our very life's

The question must be asked, will we find a place to hide
And will we be able to then, even survive the coming storm.
We find that we must travel by night
It has become the only safe way we can now travel

We can be too easily seen in the light of day
For we do not bear the mark of the beast
There for we must hide ourselves in fear of him
He ,who would destroy us for what we carry in our hearts

For we carry the truth of the resurrection of Christ
And we are branded with our God's name in our foreheads
We will now be tested in the fires
Our hearts and souls must be made right before The Lord

Our number is that of 144,000, so we were selected
We are part of the last and great redemption of mankind
So it had been written in the book of Life so very long ago
We were chosen for the last and greatest revival of these end times,
For we carry the very power of God in our souls

For with this name written upon our heads, we have know learned
The beast can no longer hurt us chosen of God
For we are here, our very existence proof our God exists
We have been chosen to witness to those that were left behind

This, the last great revival has begun
For we preach the word as it was never preached in times before
For we carry the very brand upon or foreheads, and this beast has no hold over us anymore

For the last and greatest fight over mankind's very collective soul will now be fought
And this beast, devil of old,
will consume all those that will not concede to bear his mark
and thus join his retched ranks of the impure and sick in deeds
We as men of God will never give in, never

The price of our human souls is to great
The love of our Father much to strong
We must engage in this fight to save those souls, left behind
So, now this fight begins.

This poem has been viewed 57 times

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