A Prayer for those who don't know Christ
Lord Jesus! You,
Who in the most bitter moments of Your passion
showed an ardent thirst for souls,
grant that we may share in this thirst.
Who in the most bitter moments of Your passion
showed an ardent thirst for souls,
grant that we may share in this thirst.
Give us the light to grow
in the knowledge of Your word
and grant us strength so that,
by collaborating in preaching this word
at every moment of our lives,
we may bring to You,
through Your holy Church,
and the intercession of Your holy Mother,
innumerable souls who live far from the truth.
Grant this so that with You,
through You and in You,
they may be reconciled to the Eternal Father,
in union with whom,
together with the Holy Spirit,
You live and reign forever and ever.