Sermon from the Mojave Desert #4
Posted by Ephraim Caleb on March
Good mourning Members, All is well and we are growing in our numbers and I am so very happy with that. We have just added two new members and I am so honored to see our little site grow. little only in our infancy so to speak. In a year we may even hit the 50 member Mark.
When I started this web-site it was my way of Witnessing to a disbelieving world. I wanted some way to get the message out that it is time to prepare for the return of our Christ Jesus. But a way for people who may be sometime home bound like I was from a broken spinal cord and chronic pain. Plus a bit of shyness on my part. Well not shy any more. Every year I grow stronger in the faith I could not wait to witness out load for all to hear. I love Father God, I love Christ Jesus, I love The Holy Spirit, my personal Holy Spirit.
My prayer life has grown so very much and I really enjoy talking to Father God several times of the day. My night time prayers are more personal and that is when I give myself in whole to Father God. I tell Father honestly how I feel. I do not want to keep any feelings or secrets from Him. Even though Father knows all, He still wants to hear my voice, my thoughts, from me. This is when I say that ....................
God will know us by our voice, this is true. So that on that day of my Resurrection when I am called before the Book of Life, Father God will ask Jesus, do you know this man my Son. and I hope that Jesus will say, yes Father I know Carl by his voice that I have herd all these years in his prayers, and the father might say, Yes, His name is in my Book of Life.. On that day I will cry like a child, not in sadness but such joy and love and hope. all these emotions except fear, loss, sadness.
My Father God, how much do I love you, how much do I need you, how lost am I without you.
So to our Members to I offer to you your own page to make Witness to this old, tired, worn out sin infested, dying world. Take advantage of this offer to express your love for God, The Christ Jesus, The Most Holy Spirit. make your claim to the world that you are a Child of Father God. We do not know when the end of all things will come. Only The Father Knows this Time. So please make your declarations of Love, be Bold and do not fear what the world may do. Stand firm in the Rock of all Ages, Declare your Heart and Soul to Christ Jesus, become one that is written into The Book of Life.
If I did not Love and care for you all, I would not tell you what is yet to come.
God Bless You all my Children of God, In the Name and Blood of Our Christ Jesus, Amen.