Sermon from the Mojave Desert #2
We are living in great and dangerous times my Children of God, have we been not wormwood ? There are coming times of great upheaval that we as humans can not even pretend to imagine. It can all begin with a natural disaster like Wormwood that could destroy 1/3 of the world and it's peoples as has been prophesied. This alone would bring every country in the world to its knees. This alone could rock the very foundations of mankind, it's cities, it's countries, it's everything.
Know, that the time is now to get your house into order. Please I cannot tell you any more than to please for your souls and your families sake, please pray. Pray every day with such hot fervor not cold or luke warm, but with hot vigor and harder than you have ever prayed before. Do not take for granted that you have time. On that day when the time comes and the Seven years of Tribulation thus begins. Will you and your loved ones be ready? ask yourself, Is my house ready for the return of Christ Jesus, and remember this time Jesus comes
Will you and yours be ready? will you be ready. Ask yourself this my children.
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Will Wormwood will be a natural disaster, nevertheless it comes from Father God as a mighty judgments upon this earth for what mankind has done to sin upon it's crust. Be aware my Children of God, time is near and Wormwood is out there and coming to our Earth very soon. I do not want to create fear of the end but hope for the future of all of Father God's Children. Please, make yourselves ready, please. Love