Monday, March 24, 2014

Selections from Several Stories of Fortolds

Worm Wood-Part One
The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One
Masada-This Generations Last Stand-Chapter One
The Seal has been Broken, How many more to Come

Wormwood Part 1 & 2

Worm Wood-Part One

There had been strange rumblings
This for quite a long while
Those in power new that something was coming
When asked were from, they all pointed, fingers pointing straight up into the ski

Now there had always been talk
That perhaps some day a near miss
And one for sure they knew off, some say perhaps more
Well they say they new one wiped out all those dinosaurs

But this is just talk, science fiction at best
Doomsday scenarios with all the best technical effects
Yet was this not read, in the Book of Life?
A star would fall from the heavens, destroying on third of all its inhabitants, one third of all human life

Destroying one third of all the fresh waters
Destroying one third of all plant and animal life
This planet Earth as we knew it
All this once created would lose its cohesion in just one plight

We had all been warned
For it had been written in the ancient texts
That Mother Earth would be smitten
By this evil from the black heavens on an unknown night

For the name was even given
Words of horror and grief
So much of this so called human kind
In but one day would now be deceased

We are now entering turbulent and dangerous times. And never as before are we so unsure of what our tomorrow’s will hold. Yet we have been foretold these things to come. Watch for the time is nigh, watch and be prepared.

Page #50



The Seal Has Been Broken-Chapter One

The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One

This parchment
Deeply yellowed with great age and weight
Written from ancient times so very long ago
Edges worn and cracked from great ages past

The parchment lay open upon the dried earth
Seal of wax broken in two crimson pieces
Words written in that of an ancient unknown language
Had these words been spoken

Had there been herd a great sigh
When these written words had been uttered
Sealed so long from the ears of mankind
When first read out loud, did the reader cry out

Wow to this human kind
There will begin great turmoil now to be known
For what was once, will now cease to be
For even with all of mans great knowledge, he will fail

When the seal had been broken
The very words of prophecy now have become very fact
The change at first appeared to be subtle
In the end, the very end it has become very fact

We as humans
We could not see that the change had begun
The very foundations of mankind would now be shaken
Man will have been brought to the very ground

We had drifted to much away from were we had come from
We walked away from our Father God
This we gave up in the name of
Page #51


How eager we were to leave
Our Father God we had so loved
Walked away from This Written Word
So very many of us new as His love

As foolish children
We thought we knew it all
How deep, how sad, we humans, how hard we had to fall
Fall away from the Truth that was our very Father's All

Has the first seal been broken? Some say yes, it has begun. Prepare my children, for truly the time has come.





















Page #52

Masada-This Generations Last Stand-Chapter One

This generations Last Stand-Chapter One

For we are at One, One Nation once more
For this time, will be our last time
We as a People, a Nation of Souls will fight
No more will we be dispersed among the nations any more

We once The People of a Great Nation
Dispersed among all the nations
For a call has come out from Israel
Our Mother has called all of Her Children to come Home

Israel, O' Israel
Calling all your Children once more to come Home
This will be Our Greatest Glory
We will rebuild The Third Temple, never to be destroyed any more

For we are an Ancient Peoples
For we have preserved The Written Word and Traditions of our God
For we are a Chosen people
First but not the least of His children of our Father God

For Us, this very Generation
Yes, we can feel it deep, rising in the blood
For it is this Generation, O' Israel
For it is We that Speak, Never again, Never again will We back down

A Generation, This Generation, Never again will they be taken away from their beloved Israel. Like Masada this generation will fight to the death rather than to ever be forced to leave there God given Home. God Bless You O ‘Israel



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The Seal Has Been Broken Chapters 1 & 2
© By: Carl Coglianese Masada-This Generations Last Stand-Chapter One

The Seal has been Broken-Chapters One

This parchment
Deeply yellowed with great age and weight
Written from ancient times so very long ago
Edges worn and cracked from great ages past

The parchment lay open upon the dried earth
Seal of wax broken in two crimson pieces
Words written in that of an ancient unknown language
Had these words been spoken

Had there been herd a great sigh
When these written words had been uttered
Sealed so long from the ears of mankind
When first read out loud, did the reader cry out

Wow to this human kind
There will begin great turmoil now to be known
For what was once, will now cease to be
For even with all of mans great knowledge, he will fail

When the seal had been broken
The very words of prophecy now have become very fact
The change at first appeared to be subtle
In the end, the very end it has become very fact

We as humans
We could not see that the change had begun
The very foundations of mankind would now be shaken
Man will have been brought to the very ground

We had drifted to much away from were we had come from
We walked away from our Father God
This we gave up in the name of

Page #54

How eager we were to leave
Our Father God we had so loved
Walked away from This Written Word
So very many of us new as His love

As foolish children
We thought we knew it all
How deep, how sad, we humans, how hard we had to fall
Fall away from the Truth that was our very Father's All

The Seal has been Broken, How many more to Come

This creation called mankind
How hard do they fight to exist?
Do they not yet realize?
That what little time they will have to make this a finale peace

Seven Seals that must be broken
Each carries an arrow and a tear
A young mother for here unborn children cries
While a red-hot arrow tip splits the skin

We had all been warned
For there is not one excuse
We can not rest on what was once done yesterday
For in the now is all we can do

Say your prayers, my dear children
For all that is said, will all this come to truth
For the ski will have fallen, it's name is Wormwood
Say your prayers my dear children

For it has been written
For you all know this to be true
For it has been written in The book of Life
Please look for yourself, it is fact and it is truth

page #55

Wormwood Part 1 & 2
© By: Carl Coglianese

Worm Wood-Part One

There had been strange rumblings
This for quite a long while
Those in power new that something was coming
When asked were from, they all pointed, fingers pointing straight up into the ski

Now there had always been talk
That perhaps some day a near miss
And one for sure they knew off, some say perhaps more
Well they say they new one wiped out all those dinosaurs

But this is just talk, science fiction at best
Doomsday scenarios with all the best technical effects
Yet was this not read, in the Book of Life?
A star would fall from the heavens, destroying on third of all its inhabitants, one third of all human life

Destroying one third of all the fresh waters
Destroying one third of all plant and animal life
This planet Earth as we knew it
All this once created would lose its cohesion in just one plight

We had all been warned
For it had been written in the ancient texts
That Mother Earth would be smitten
By this evil from the black heavens on an unknown night

For the name was even given
Words of horror and grief
So much of this so called human kind
In but one day would now be deceased

Worm Wood Part Two
This Planet is dying

For this Earth so rumbled
Mighty winds blown across these lands
Very mountains crumble down to mere pebbles in minutes
This great earth shakes so very hard, but for that of but another moment it will end

For this had never happened
For at least since any records had been kept
Even the very islands
Slipped into the waters, these shaken waters did not relent

For every raised surface had been shaken
As never before had there ever been such an event
Not one high place would be standing
For not any low or high places would there be left

An entire civilization
All that would have been called the very best of man
All shaken to their very foundations
All once built upon rock has turned into sand

Have we been caught unguarded?
Were we not aware of such an event?
Was it not written in the very Book of the Heavens?
Were not the words, the Truth God sent

The only word that I may leave you
Please make sure you always say your prayers
For there is one that hides in the shadows
Whose day has yet to be known, for he has been watching for years

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