Sermon From The Mojave Desert #7
I woke up at 2.30 am this fine Wednesday mourning. I realized just how important family and close friends are in this very shaky and stressful place called the world. I remember that being Christians that we are no longer of this world. I know the feeling of not even wanting to be here, in this place that mankind had so created. I feel such a great loss of being a fallen soul thanks to our Mother and Father Adam and Eve. I just wish so very deep in my soul we just Trusted our Father God and just told that serpent, No!
Well, we are here know and as Children of God we are called out of this world but still exist in the world never the less. In these times of great stress we need not only put on the Armoire of God thus shielding ourselves in the Word of God, to have complete trust in The Holy Spirit of God that indwells within each and every child of our Father God. We need to be strong and help and love one another as if these are the Last Days. In reality they are my Children of God, they really are.
Please do not point fingers at one another and never , ever judge any one, unless you be judged. Love one another as Jesus has taught us. Today, this day, ask Father God, Lord and King Christ Jesus, and The Most Holy Spirit to guide your heart and soul. Pray each and every day as if it were your last. Pray for God to forgive our most beloved America. Ask Father God to save this country from those that wish to destroy what it was always meant to stand for. One Nation under God.
I am asking this as a child of our Father God, as a subject of our Lord and King Christ Jesus, as a vessel of The Holy Spirit. Pray ye children of God, pray for not only for the body of Christ, The Church, but for the Salvation of this our most beloved country America. Amen, by Ephriam Caleb