Longing for The Rapture To Come Soon
You want to know something/ I just want to go home. Home being were My Lord Christ Jesus is. That is were my home is. This earth has grown to sinful, so sad, so corrupted. I just do not want to be here any more. Do any of you feel like this? I see such sadness in the eyes of my fellow Christians. Sadness for our fellow man that just will not see the light of God. That will not hear His word. Not even make an attempt to even listen. I love to witness of the Word of God. However it seems recently it only falls on deafen ears.
This generation of want me all's almost seems to have been born out of soullessness. A condition which frights this man. There eyes are dead. There is no hope in them at all. Yes I want to go Home and be with my Savior. Please Dear Lord Jesus, Please come to take your Fathers Children Home.