Sunday, November 2, 2014

11-02-14 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News

Hi Kid, your latest video on 11/2/ 14 was awesome. As you said you no longer teach milk and have gotten to the meat of the matter. I am so grateful that you do that young lady. So much scary stuff is happening and I am already at odds with Christian members of the family about the book of Revelations. Members are telling me that since it was written by man that it is open to well some corruption points and not for me to take it so seriously. I think it is because they have very small children. However they have all been raised in the Christian faith so I am sure the Children and my Niece is all saved.
It scares me to see a division among Christians not only in my family but in Churches and in groups all over? Then I see and feel that the worldlier people just do not have a clue of what is going on out there. They do not see what is going on with the planet and the sun and the skies and the solar system. They have become blind even thought they see, they hear the news and yet the are deaf? We see , I see in front of me this blindness, this deafness and they go on like all this will pass. It always does? I can see those in my own
family that there is just no God in there soul. Not that there is blackness, just emptiness. It is darn right scary kid.
Tell me, my friend. What single innocent if possible do you think may mark the beginning of the 7 years. We know the middle, we know the end. We are in the beginning or sorrows. I feel that in my hear  so bad, it actually hearts my soul kid. To feel the sadness of a world dying, innocent animals dying, and innocent unborn children dying is insurmountable. How much more does our Loving Father God's Heart Hurt from what we did to Him in the Garden, then to Our Fathers Most beloved Son dying for the sins we comment against'
Him...........I agree with you, I understand you, I am so glad to have met you. I no longer feel so alone. My biggest wish is to have the law of God has written upon my heart some day so I may understand all His wisdom and justice. To understand His ways and plans for us, His children, he loved so very much. And to just go home and be with him. To fill, that void in me and in all His Children, that calls us, pulls us, Tugs at our hearts, to come home, come home. Carl 

Published on Nov 2, 2014

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