FLIP FLOP: Obama’s grandmother makes pilgrimage to Mecca, she’s actually Muslim all of a sudden
Will we ever know the truth behind Barack Obama. So many secrets. So many lies. And there are more every day in his treasonous presidency.
“Obama’s grandmother vists Makkah for Muslim pilgrimage Umrah,” First Post, April 23, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
US President Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother Sara Omar went to Makkah to perform the Muslim pilgrimage of Umrah, according to a report by ArabianBusiness.com.
Umrah involves visiting Makkah, which is considered to be the holiest city in Islam , and can be undertaken at any time of the year, unlike the Hajj.
Omar, who is in her 90s, arrived in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, with her son Saeed Obama, uncle to the US president, and grandson Mousa. After finishing Umrah, she visited an exhibition about the life of the Prophet Muhammad, mentioned another report by Al Arabiya News.
“I am very happy to visit this exhibition, which is a good example for the propagation of Islam in a modern way, supported by scientific and authentic documents,” Omar was quoted as saying in the Al Arabiya News report.
She also expressed hope that the exhibition would visit other countries in order to remove the misunderstandings about the divine religion, according Arab News.