Why Have 10 Major Volcanoes Along The Ring Of Fire Suddenly Roared To Life?
Ten major volcanoes have erupted along the Ring of Fire during the past few months, and the mainstream media in the United States has been strangely silent about this. But this is a very big deal. We are seeing eruptions at some volcanoes that have been dormant for decades. Yes, it is certainly not unusual for two or three major volcanoes along the Ring of Fire to be active at the same time, but what we are witnessing right now is highly unusual. And if the U.S. media is not concerned about this yet, the truth is that they should be. Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 80 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire, and it runs directly up the west coast of the United States. Perhaps if Mt. Rainier in Washington state suddenly exploded or a massive earthquake flattened Los Angeles the mainstream media would wake up. Most Americans have grown very complacent about these things, but right now we are witnessing volcanic activity almost everywhere else along the Ring of Fire. It is only a matter of time before it happens here too.
Sadly, most Americans cannot even tell you what the Ring of Fire is. The following is howWikipedia defines the “Ring of Fire”…
The Ring of Fire is an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mi) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements. It has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75% of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes.
An easy way to think about the Ring of Fire is to imagine a giant red band stretching along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.
And yes, that includes the entire west coast of the United States and the entire southern coast of Alaska.
10 major volcanoes along the Ring of Fire have suddenly roared to life in recent months. The following are short excerpts from news reports about those eruptions…
Volcano creates new island off the coast of Japan: A dramatic volcanic eruption in the Pacific Ocean has created a tiny new islet in Japan’s territorial waters, officials said Thursday, the first time in decades the nation has seen the phenomenon.
The navy spotted smoke about 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) south of Tokyo on Wednesday and Japan’s coastguard later verified the birth of the islet around the Ogasawara island chain.
Video footage showed plumes of smoke and ash billowing from the 200-metre island, and Japan’s coastguard said it was warning vessels to use caution in the area until the eruption cools off.
Mount Sinabung in Indonesia: A volcano in western Indonesia has erupted eight times in just a few hours, “raining down rocks” over a large area and forcing thousands to flee their homes, officials said Sunday.
Mount Sinabung has been erupting on and off since September, but went into overdrive late Saturday and early Sunday, repeatedly spewing out red-hot ash and rocks up to eight kilometres (five miles) into the air.
Colima in Mexico: On Monday night and Tuesday morning, the Colima volcano showed two strong exhalations; ejecting lava down its slopes and ash skyward, that has reached several villages. Since last Sunday, the Volcan de Fuego de Colima was reactivated after several weeks of apparent calm and until Tuesday registered between 30 and 35 puffs per day, spewing lava down its slopes and ash that reached the people of Cheese, municipality of Cuauhtémoc, Colima, and some towns in the state of Jalisco.
Sakurajima in Japan: After a short phase of weaker activity, the volcano began to erupt more violently yesterday with a series of powerful explosions that sent ash plumes up to 15,000 ft (4,5 km). Near-constant ash emissions have been taking place from the Showa crater.
Fuego in Guatemala: Two lava flows are active on the upper slopes of the volcano at the moment, to the Taniluya (south) and Ceniza canyon (SE). The effusive activity started on 11 Nov and increased on 18 November, reaching a length of 600 m. Constant avalanches detach from the flow fronts. At the same time, explosive activity at the summit crater remained at low to moderate levels, with strombolian explosions that produce ash plumes of up to 800 m height and incandescent jets visible from distance.
Santa María/Santiaguito in Guatemala: A phreatomagmatic (water-magma interaction driven) explosion yesterday morning produced a plume of fine ash rising to 3.2 km altitude (700 m above the lava dome) and drifted SE, causing ash fall in Finca La Florida.
Yaser in Vanuatu: Geohazards reports that the volcano continues to produce near-continuous ash emissions while explosions are relatively weak. This phase of ash emissions began on 3 November and are likely to continue into the coming days and weeks.
Popocatepetl in Mexico: The Popocatepetl volcano showcased with a layer of snow was observed throughout the morning and mid-day from the city of Puebla and columns generated by medium-intensity exhalations. According to the monitoring system of the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) in the last 24 hours, the colossus presented 57 exhalations of low intensity, probably accompanied by emissions of steam and gas.
Mount Marapi in Indonesia: Mount Merapi, the most active volcano in Indonesia, erupted earlier Monday, shooting a cloud of black ash about 2,000 meter high, officials said.
Kliuchevskoi on the Kamchatka Peninsula: Kliuchevskoi on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia had a busy weekend after its busy week — and a lot of the action was caught on the webcams pointed at the volcano or by satellite. For much of Friday and into Saturday (October 18-19), the volcano continued to produce some vigorous lava fountains and lava flows, mixed in with Strombolian explosions that sent bombs down the slopes of the volcano. This activity was significant enough to cause some aviation alerts even over the western Aleutian Islands.
So why is this happening?
Why is the Ring of Fire suddenly roaring to life?
And what could this mean for the United States?
Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below…
About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth. His new thriller entitled “The Beginning Of The End” is now available on Amazon.com.
Tags: Earthquake In Los AngelesMichael SnyderMichael T. SnyderMt. RainierThe Ring Of FireVolcanic ActivityVolcanic EruptionsVolcano EruptionsVolcanoesVolcanoes West Coast
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In comparison, following the magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile, Gross estimated the Chile quake should have shortened the length of day by about 1.26 microseconds and shifted Earth’s figure axis by about 8 centimeters (3 inches). A similar calculation performed after the 2004 magnitude 9.1 Sumatran earthquake revealed it should have shortened the length of day by 6.8 microseconds and shifted Earth’s figure axis by about 7 centimeters, or 2.76 inches. How an individual earthquake affects Earth’s rotation depends on its size (magnitude), location and the details of how the fault slipped.
Gross said that, in theory, anything that redistributes Earth’s mass will change Earth’s rotation.”
We are probably also overdue for a pole change. All of which might cause the sudden change.
The Sun causes most weather. If it is colder weather eventually goes into an ice age. If it is warmer, we have a melt of the ice around the poles.
Water levels right now are 50-60 feet higher than they were in ancient times. This is what geologists say not me. Archaelogists have discovered many ruins underwater.
I think we are on the verge of a major geological change perhaps world wide. This normally happens over generations. Our record keeping is much better today than it was in the past so it is hard to know for sure.
The most interesting theory I have seen is that the entire Solar System is moving through a galactic dust storm. This is causing the Sun to cool down. Eventually as the fuel from that storm increases the Sun will heat up. We are talking small changes in temperature that have major effects on the Earth.
This also means the magnetic shield will go down for a while. That could fry all the electronics on the planet.
People a lot smarter than me can tell you a lot more about it. The “sheepies” don’t need to know any of this.
COMMENT: You just used a Jewish scripture to support Christian theology and treated a passage from the Jewish Bible as part and parcel of the Christian Bible. But you say Christianity it isn’t ‘copied’ from other religions? Not a slight against Christianity, but you should research the roots of your religion. Your own statement is self-contradictory.
Also, what denomination believes in these prophecies?
globally. The gift of discernment I have freely given to all, though many are blind -sided by the lies of man. Rise up my children. Do not look at the natural, but seek the supernatural. I, Jehovah, say the area they are delivering to with supplies on hand will not be a place to stride, yet a safe place. Do not be fooled! Why would food, water, and medical aide be provided if a place is to be destroyed? No, be wise and search deeper within. Pray out for wisdom, and I will grant it upon you. Yes, war will be soon-Great war. The land of America is an open womb. I, the God of Abraham have poured down healing, and it has been rejected. The Holy Spirit has been rejected in family homes, churches, and upon the streets. I have shaken the Earth and the warnings have been ignored. Write the
words oh child as I, Jehovah, speaks forth.
unto you priest who teach a false doctrine in my name, the Great I Am. Your decorative halls shall crumble before
your eyes to be no more. Civil unrest will be upon the people as they scatter for food. Fear and confusion will consume those who are not firmly grounded in me, the God of Jacob. As war breaks out in the Middle East, look upon your doorstep America. There is trickery in your
leaders to rise up against my holy land-Israel. Deception has already fallen upon them. They gather in meetings; their ears are deafened by the father of lies.
time has come. Cleanse yourselves from all unholy acts. Repent of all sins. Don’t hold back and seek my face
this day. There is no time for idleness. Pray for all. The battles in the heavens have been ongoing and shortly will be poured down into the land. Take refuge in me of saints. Obey me Jehovah. Cleanse all unrighteousness, lies, and
deceit. Every bitter root within you, cast it down in the power, in the name of Jesus. I see and hear lying lips everywhere. Stop I say, for liars with devious plans
shall not enter my kingdom. Time of preparation is over. You must be doers of the Holy Word, reaping the harvest now. I see family members of one’s household filled with unbelief as the believer in the same household turns their cheek. Hard work and labor is at hand.
fears not. He serves Satan, as do many who govern the land. The US, your government, shall fall and will
be overtaken. The evil plans that have been planned long ago are coming to pass. Yes, death shall be surmounting. Streets will be filled with the stent of death. Those who have turned their backs and mocked, I, Jehovah, will be weeping and begging for mercy but it shall not be
destroy. Oh don’t you see America, don’t
you see!! The sins committed are now turning against you, yet you still do not believe. I Jehovah, my hand is removed. Protection is no more for those who have
walked in evil. Those who say no judgment will be cast upon this great land- you are fools, desiring a great
escape as your fellow brothers and sisters suffer. Selfishness has no place in me. My back is turned on those who have hoarded your materialism and money, not helping the poor. You shall reap what you sow. I, the God of Israel, give these warnings this day. Perilous times are approaching. Those who have stored water, share with your neighbor. What you give unto others, it will be given
unto you. I seek a heart of giving, not greed. Those who have come in my name, and have caused your fellow man or woman to stumble, a heap of coals shall be upon your heads. I despised those who have abused those who
are unfortunate and in need. You shall see my anger upon you. You shall not escape.
The ground shall sink.
state will be no more.
spirit. The souls mourn for the evil that is erected tall, crowned with the hands of Satan (New Trade Center).
boulders. I am entering your land, oh America for your mockery, your sins, and your detestable acts seen by all men. The mockery of my saints will be no more. As your military rises up, so does the Heavenly army rises too. Who can fight me, the Great I am? None I say. Repent, repent, oh America for your time of trial is at hand. Your man made shelters shall be destroyed by my mighty breath. The warring angels have been stationed. My sword of judgment is swift. Those who have firmly rooted their hearts and spirits to the one true living God, shall find safety in the days ahead. Stay pure before me always. Place the blood of the Lamb above your doorways. Cry out to me, Abba Father. I shall hear you and shall spare you against the evil schemes. Do not be swayed or step into fear by what you see. As it is written what is to
be. Woe unto you, when you are found in your wicked sins. Mercy will not be found.
natural man made disasters.