Ministry News
Global Antisemitism in 2014
When it comes to chronicling antisemitism, the “oldest hatred,” 2014 was heavily loaded with statements, events, tragedies and even death. So far, 2015 has been even worse with the terrorist attacks in Paris. All seems to indicate that antisemitism is on the rise globally, growing in frequency and intensity. A review of a few of the many antisemitic acts that punctuated 2014 will suffice to make the Judeo-Christian hair rise on your head. For a more complete, yet non-exhaustive list, refer to the ADL listing for 2014.1
JANUARY – The Trendy Return of the Nazi Salute!
A new fad has been spreading like wildfire that originated in France in 2005 from the twisted xenophobic mind of stage comedian Dieudonné. Known as “La Quenelle” (French for “fish dumpling”), it consists of extending one arm like in the Nazi salute, but keeping it down along the body as you touch your shoulder with your other arm. This new gesture has made antisemitism trendy and has emboldened Jew-haters around the world.
APRIL - Passover in Ukraine, Redemption or Expulsion
On April 14, 2014, the first night of Passover, people in the Jewish community of Donetsk, Ukraine were handed leaflets written in Russian on government letterhead, ordering Jews to register their real estate, modes of transportation and family members over the age of 16. Jews were told that if they failed to comply, expulsion was inevitable. Although the leaflets turned out to be a forgery, they bore a sobering resemblance to the kinds of restrictions applied to the Jewish people in the Nazi era.
MAY – Brussels Jewish Museum Attack
On May 24, 2014, Mehdi Nemmouche opened fire inside the Brussels Jewish Museum. The terrorist attack took less than two minutes, yet three people were killed on the spot and one died later in the hospital. Nemmouche, a French citizen from Algerian descent, is believed to have been in Syria and to have connections with ISIS.
JULY - Keep Calm and Carry On, It’s Only a French Pogrom!
Mid-July in Paris, 10,000-20,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered, shouting “Death to the Jews,” “Hitler was right,” “We will burn you,” “Jihad, Global Antisemitism in 2014 Jihad, Jihad” and other vile epithets. Not too far from the demonstrators, about 200 Jewish people had gathered inside a synagogue for a special service to remember the three Israeli victims of the kidnappings/ murders, which took place in June. Suddenly, the angry mob decided to throw café chairs (some of them lit on fire) at the building and continued to scream “Death to the Jews.” By God’s grace and with some help from French police, a pogrom was averted.
NOVEMBER - Jerusalem Massacre, Israel’s Enemies Unite in Thoughts, Words and Deeds!
It was in the midst of a daily service on November 18 that the lives of the congregants of ultra- Orthodox synagogue Kehilat Bnei Torah were changed forever. Apparently “inspired” by the butchers of ISIS, two Palestinian cousins with hatchet and gun in hand barged inside the house of prayer and killed four people, three of them rabbis, and wounded many more. This was the worst attack in Jerusalem since 2008.
DECEMBER - Créteil – Robbery and Rape of a Jewish Couple in Their Home
Three individuals invaded a couple’s apartment and asked for money, telling them that they knew “they had money because they are Jewish.” One of the individuals took their ATM card and went to draw money while the others stayed inside and raped the woman.
JANUARY 2015 - Paris – Kosher Supermarket Hostage Crisis
On the tail end of three days of terrorism in France, radical Islamist Amédy Coulibaly walked into a kosher supermarket on the east side of Paris and took the whole store hostage after killing four Jewish customers. Coulibaly had ties with Al-Qaeda and Islamic terrorism. There is little doubt as to the reason behind entering a kosher store on a Friday mid-day, for all the customers would be shopping for the Sabbath.
There are so many more cases of global antisemitism that could be reported. We are currently faced with the reality that much of the world is against Israel and the Jewish people, wherever they might live. We are finding that Europe is now a hotbed of antisemitism that is bringing Jew-hatred back to levels not seen since Nazi Germany.
Yet the Bible is so clear about Israel in God’s plan. This might be exactly why so many are going after the Jewish people, led by Israel’s and God’s archenemy, Satan himself. But God has promised that Israel will NEVER be destroyed (Jer. 31:35-37) and that all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:26). In the meantime, Christians have a responsibility to share their Messiah and His message of hope with the original messengers, the Jewish people.