Tuesday, April 28, 2015



 | April 27, 2015 23 Comments


Obama and his minions will not rest until there is full-fledged civil war in every city and town and America. Just mere weeks after the end of the George Soros-funded race riots in Saint Louis, we now have the race riots in Baltimore. And this time, the liberal mayor of Baltimore is on tape as admitting she a). told the police to stand down, and b). allowed the race rioters all the “space they needed to destroy” anything they cared to.
Even to the casual observer, at this point it should be obvious that these race riots are preplanned and highly-funded by the Obama war machine, and will continue to popup in every major American city.
This is the “change” this country twice-voted to have in place of a democratic Republic. How’s that working out for you, America? Ashamed of your president yet?
You should be.


NTEB is run by end times author and editor-in-chief Geoffrey Grider. Geoffrey runs a successful web design company, and is a full-time minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to running NOW THE END BEGINS, he has a dynamic street preaching outreach and tract ministry team in Saint Augustine, FL.


  1. Weezie says:
    …gave the space to destroy…it is nothing like I have ever heard before…
  2. Susan says:
    Oh gracious,what is this world coming to.
    • Beverly says:
      All we have to do is read our Bible because everything that is happening is in there. God said things were gonna be bad and it really is. All we can do now is keep the faith and pray constantly.
      • Yes. Prayer is the FIRST thing one should do. God ALWAYS answers (sometimes in ways we can’t figure out…at first…but it always becomes clear).
        In my prayer, I asked God to open her mind & heart to make her realize what she did was as wrong as it gets, & that she repents of the wicked support of such madness. Then I asked God to not allow others to admire her, & follow in her blind footsteps.
        On a secular level, she must be let go, as clearly she’s not up to the job, & the city needs a wise person in charge. Plus, she needs to pay for her criminal order with at least some jail time–several months, at least. There are consequences for poor judgment. I doubt she has the money to pay back all the people whose property was destroyed by her, & the CITY can’t afford it. Only people brave enough & resourceful enough to rebuild should stay. The rest would be better off getting out. Sad, but necessary.
      • SATAN says:
        ha ha ha you crazies, there have been riots for thousands of years, and here we are.
    • Dense Andros says:
      I can answer that….. This world is descending into madness, as Satan’s wrath increases we will continue to witness the fulfillment of biblical end times prophecy. Satan’s minions are becoming bolder and they are enjoying their grotesque public spectacle.
  3. Roland says:
    Yes, she’s paying for her ignorance now… You can’t contain such lawlessness; but she’s a liberal disregarding our inherent sin natures. They think they can fix the world, and they can’t. Pray for those in authority, that it might go well with us…
    I once worked in street ministry in Baltimore, I know the mindsets of many without Christ.
  4. Robert VanAken says:
    This is going to get extremely worse over the summer and lead to something bigger it is all about to begin.
  5. Heather says:
    ” Obama’s America 2016″!
  6. H says:
    Not the first time rioters given free rein in Baltimore. Same was done after MLK assassination, of course with communist agitators help.
  7. Beverly says:
    Why is it that everything that happens in the U.S. is blamed on Obama? This country was going to hell in a hand basket way before he got into office. As far as the riots go, I am surprised that they hadn’t happened before now. I know that everyone has to be able to see that the police need to be punished for all the damage that they have done to people’s lives. Everyday I go outside and I see the racism that goes on in the town where I stay so believe me It happens everywhere and it needs to stop. Oh yeah, Obama didn’t cause Racism, ignorant people did.
    • Vic Christian says:
      Beverly, To answer your question – what our President says and does is taken to heart by many in the black community. If Mr. Obama does not strongly discourage this type of protest, then that is taken as approval to do what they (the protestors) want. In most cases our President has encouraged these actions, or had his staff do so (Mr. Holder). He often sends a personal representative to the funerals – which he does not usually do for military, police or firemen. This is seen as encouragement by those wishing to burn, destroy or even kill. He is doing nothing to discourage this, and even seeks to punish police departments that seek to restore order. Yes – racism needs to stop. But, this type leadership does not help the situation.
  8. Kristi Ann says:
    The muslim brotherhood front group the nation of islam is protesting there also!! The nation of islam has the black Panthers in their group also!!
    Please PRAY for our Judeo-Christian Nation USA and Israel-Yisrael Everyday Everyone!! Only JUDAISM and CHRISTIANITY is RIGHT as we have the same GOD who art in HEAVEN!!
    “TRUST in the LORD ( ADONAI ) with all Thine HEART and lean NOT on thine own understanding, in all thy ways Acknowledge HIM and HE shall Direct thy Paths”!!
    Yeshua-Jesus Christ LOVES Ye All Everyone Forever, Please TRUST HIM NOW!!
    Love Always and Shalom Everyone,
    • Shalom, Kristi! You are correct. Pray also for the blinded rioters, & even that clueless mayor. I’ve witnessed people CHANGE when that happens. Once, my mom who was a second roommate, had harangued us several times daily about our chosen faith (Orthodox Christianity; she was fundamentalist Protestant). One day, my best friend & roomie were sitting in my office, just talking, & we heard her door open at the other end of the house. Neither of us said anything, we just joined hands, prayed God would stop her, & we weren’t even through with the first prayer when her footsteps stopped…she turned around & went to her room, closing the door behind her. We were both glad, & relieved we wouldn’t have to hear her ranting, which we KNEW was why she was coming….
      I’ve seen real miracles, too, where lives were saved (my own included–several times: I led a crazy, wild youth; I used to say my guardian angel had to put in for combat pay…. :) ) PRAYER =WORKS!
  9. Bob says:
    A devout Judaism site for you Kristi. I have no other problem in what you are saying other than, ” Only JUDAISM and CHRISTIANITY is RIGHT as we have the same GOD who art in HEAVEN!!
    Judaism 101 states,” Jews do not believe that Jesus was the mashiach(Messiah)a. Assuming that he existed, and assuming that the Christian scriptures are accurate in describing him (both matters that are debatable), he simply did not fulfill the mission of the mashiach as it is described in the biblical passages cited above. Jesus did not )do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do “.
    I have no problem with Judeo Christianity; because it embraces God’s laws and lays the foundation for our political, social and family structure. I also keep Israel in my prayers as I know that God still has a plan for the Jews despite their REJECTION of Christ as their Messiah. But for a Jew to be right with God, like us; they will have to bow their knee to King Jesus.
    Please stop saying, ” Only JUDAISM and CHRISTIANITY is RIGHT as we have the same GOD who art in HEAVEN!! “
    a. ( Messiah ) reference added.
    • Kristi Ann says:
      Dear Bob,
      Please accept Yeshua-Jesus Christ into your HEART!! I am Learning Hebrew Language as Yeshua-Jesus Christ Spoke this, and HE could Speak any Language!!
      Please do not pick on me as I have Jewish Friends!!
      Our True GOD who art in HEAVEN LOVES Ye All Everyone Forever through HIS SON YESHUA-JESUS CHRIST FOREVERMORE!!
      Our True GOD’S LOVE IS FROM HEAVEN ABOVE!! Jews and Christians have the same GOD who art in HEAVEN!! Thus: Only Judaism and Christianity is RIGHT as we have the same GOD who art in HEAVEN!!
      Back on Topic!! RACISM is anti-Christian / anti-United States of America Everything / anti-Israel-Yisrael / anti-Zionism / Very Antiseitism / Anti-Christian and Jewish People / Anti-Christian’s ( Antichrist’s )( 1 John 4:3 KJV )!!
      So, Please Everyone PRAY for our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and Israel-Yisrael Everyday Everyone!!
      Am Yisrael Chai FOREVERMORE!! Shavua Tov Everyone!! Shalom Always!!
      Love in Christ Jesus-Yeshua, YSIC \o/
  10. Tusitala says:
    This mayor’s statements are such insults to every black person. She is saying that they are stupid, violent, ignorant and incapable of logic, and black people are agreeing with her, sad, sad, sad.
  11. Connie Crouch says:
    Kristi Ann Shalom, Kristi! You are correct. Pray also for the blinded rioters, & even that clueless mayor. I’ve witnessed people CHANGE when that happens. Once, my mom who was a second roommate, had harangued us several times daily about our chosen faith (Orthodox Christianity; she was fundamentalist Protestant). One day, my best friend & roomie were sitting in my office, just talking, & we heard her door open at the other end of the house. Neither of us said anything, we just joined hands, prayed God would stop her, & we weren’t even through with the first prayer when her footsteps stopped…she turned around & went to her room, closing the door behind her. We were both glad, & relieved we wouldn’t have to hear her ranting, which we KNEW was why she was coming….
    I’ve seen real miracles, too, where lives were saved (my own included–several times: I led a crazy, wild youth; I used to say my guardian angel had to put in for combat pay…. :) ) PRAYER =WORKS!
  12. Gump supremacy says:
    Donteb put words in her mouth….
    Fact that can not be debated….if the man that died at the hands of the police was still alive this would not be going on….BALTIMORE POLICE THIS IS ON YOU
  13. Gump supremacy says:
    Donteb put words in her mouth….
    Fact that can not be debated….if the man that died at the hands of the police was still alive this would not be going on….BALTIMORE POLICE THIS IS ON YOU
    Beverly is the wisest person this website has drawn
  14. Sue a watcher says:
    I can tell you without doubt what’s happening. They will continue to insite unrest in this country by letting just this very thing happen.Then the government will put into effect martial law. This is were all this is headed. When that happens your freedom as we know it will be gone. They will also siege your guns. Its hurts me to say this but it is coming and you need to prepare yourself. The most important thing is get right with the Lord!
  15. GWA says:
    It’s to late. *sorry, it’s true* I do not believe America will become like “Nineveh” and fall down and beg for God’s forgiveness.
    BUT, we NEED TO!
    2 Peter 2:12
    But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
    The bible also speaks of men becoming worse and worse….I believe we are seeing this all over this world.
    God’s judgement is upon us.
    IMHO we need to be PRAYING for this situation……and really PLEADING to God for the lost. Pray today many will find Jesus Christ.
    I don’t believe it’s about “revival” but about “individuals” at this point. The ark door is STILL OPEN and many can still enter if they choose….I pray today many will choose Jesus Christ!
    God BLESS……Maranatha



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