Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Beginning Is Here Is everything a conspiracy? No, just the important stuff.

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Today's Featured Headlines:
The Beginning Is Here
Is everything a conspiracy? No, just the important stuff.
Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: “There Are Trains With Shackles On Them”
None of my brothers trust Homeland. We will have to see where this is going but I have a bad feeling.
White House Refuses to Disclose Secret DHS Cellphone Kill Switch Order
If you see something, you won’t be able to say something. At least, not on your phone.
Protect Your Family. Secure Your Home. ---> Click Here
Rebel Dad Schools Educators on Totalitarian Attendance Policy
Michael Rossi took his nine-year-old twins on a family trip and was given what he calls a “nasty-gram” from the principal.
25 Must Have Survival Foods: Put Them In Your Pantry Now
Stock up on the following items today to get your prepper pantry ready for the next extended emergency
Iranian General Accuses US of Organizing 9/11 Terror Attacks to Justify Middle East Invasion
They wouldn’t do that... would they? Kill 3,000 of our own citizens...

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