The Sheep and The Shepherd (Part The Fourth)

The past few days, we have been looking at the tenth chapter of John’s Gospel, and more specifically, the parable he told regarding how sheep respond to their shepherd — along with, how the Shepherd deals with his sheep! But the sixth verse explained this:
Yeshua used this illustration as he talked to the people, but they didn’t understand what he meant (John 10:6)
I should guess not! Remember how Paul explained that the minds of unbelievers cannotunderstand. Why? Because they are in the dark. “They are excluded from the life that God approves of because of their ignorance and stubbornness.”
To help them a little with their understanding, John continued on:
Yeshua emphasized, “I can guarantee this truth: I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before I did were ‘thieves’ or ‘robbers.’ However, the sheep didn’t respond to them .[Good for the sheep!]. I am the gate. Those who enter the sheep pen through me will be saved. They will go in and out of the sheep pen and find food. However, a thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need (John 10:6-10)
Those who have come to the Messiah are already aware of this. Jesus declared elsewhere, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” If you are going to fool around with all of the other theories; faiths; belief systems; opinions and arguments, will never discover Life! You will never find the “Gate,” and will wander around loose and aimless.
What is often misunderstood here, the thief Jesus mentioned is specifically talking about the thieves and robbers of John 10:8 who had claimed to be God’s messengers but weren’t. They were selfish (steal), cruel (kill), and destructive (destroy). Obviously, the exact opposite of the True Shepherd who still remains selfless and kind and even lays down His life for the sheep. In many ways, you could consider this the “acid test” to discern who is a false messenger of God today as well as the demonic inspiration behind them. The devil stealskills, and destroys, but God ministers the “ZOE” life.
Zoe is the most important word you will ever hear! It is a Greek word that is always translated “life,” and it means “life in the absolute senselife as God has it.” That comes from E.W. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. I don’t care who you are, but if you are walking around and breathing, you do have life, but it is life in the sense of physical existence. The Greek word is “Bios.” Another Greek word is, “Psuche.” This refers to the psychological life. You know, the mind, emotion, and will. It is where we get the word psychology. However, only those who receive Jesus are able to experience life as God intended it to be. Zoe is the very life and essence of Yahweh. It is the uncreated, eternal life of God! The divine life uniquely possessed by God and it is only available to us, through Jesus. He didn’t come to simply save people from the torment of eternal hell, but also toallow them to share in this ZOE life; the God-kind of life, — in abundance!
This life of God is not waiting for you somewhere in the “great beyond.” No, no! It is the possession of every born-again believer! Believers can release this ZOE life and enjoy itnow by losing their natural lives and finding this supernatural life.
The greatest sadness and regret is that most believers never learn to walk in the light, the understanding and reality, of this Life! The way we lose our lives is to deny any thoughts, emotions, or actions that are contrary to the Word of God. When they line their thoughts, emotions, and actions up with the instructions of God’s Word, then they will be able to enjoy this ZOE life and allow it to manifest in their bodies and souls.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, if you ever say, “Well, I’m just human. I can only do what I can do . . .” I will drive over to your house and slap you!
What is interesting, Matthew 7:13-14 declares, “Enter through the narrow gate. Because the gate that is wide and the road that is broad and easy leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate. However, the gate is small and the road that is narrow and full of difficulties leads to true life. And there are only a few who find that road”
This verse that speaks of the “narrow way that leads to life,” utilizes the Greek word, “ZOE” — “the life as God has it.” And it is important to remember that this “road,”is not hidden from us. But the reason that few find it is because people are looking in the wrong place. True Christianity is not popular, and it requires self-denial. It takes effort to remain on that road. As Bunyan’s Christian sang:
“The hill, though steep — I will ascend;
For me the toil — will not offend.
Be brave, my heart — and do not fear;
For the way to life — leads over here.”
Folks, the very essence of our faith is an insistence on having a personal encounter — more than that, a personal relationship — with the Lord God Almighty. We need to take absolutely literally the promise of Jesus, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9).
We have to understand that this verse in Luke comes after the parable of a man who needed bread in the middle of the night and began pounding on the door of his sleeping friend. “I tell you,” Jesus concludes the story, “though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet he got up because of the man’s persistence andboldness!” Tell me, is it wrong to be stubbornly determined to be on speaking-terms with our God? No! On the contrary, it is wrong not to be determined enough. Jesus emphatically instructed us, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door! Many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. Once the owner closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from’“ (Luke 13:24-25). Friends, please understand that the time to stand at the door of Heaven and knock and plead for entry is not later, but now — and that time is running out!
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