Sunday, January 1, 2017

the Israel365 daily email started January 1, 2011.

Thank you for being part of The Israel Bible
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Dear Friends,

I just had to write to share with you the amazing year that we have created together for people living in Israel as well as for people all over the world. Through your prayers, support and dedication to Israel365, Breaking Israel News and The Israel Bible, we have enriched the lives of so many and emulated God, as it says: “a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year.” (Deuteronomy 11:12)

In fact, the Israel365 daily email started January 1, 2011. Since then, every day for the past six years, we have shared beautiful images of Israel along with meaningful Biblical messages and important news about the Holy Land and her people.

I am honored to speak for numerous Israelis who faced various challenges in 2016 and were truly touched by your generous support. Through your desire to bless the Holy Land, we have given significant financial and physical aid to those who need it most.

300,000 NIS were distributed to victims of arson terrorism, 3,000 trees were donated to reforest the Land of Israel, and Holocaust survivors and new immigrants to Israel felt your love and care through gifts which you sponsored to let them know that the challenges they face settling the Land of Israel are recognized and appreciated.

In addition, I sincerely thank you for your support of Breaking Israel News which shares news from a Biblical perspective with millions of readers and the Israel365 store from which thousands of items have been purchased helping to support Israel’s artists, authors and musicians.

I must also include how touched we were when The Israel Bible crowdfunding campaign held to raise funds to print this unique Bible which emphasizing the connection between the Land, the God and the People of Israel quickly met its goal. Already, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide study The Israel Bible and are deepening their understanding that Israel is the central feature in God’s world and His book. Now, more than ever, must we continue to disseminate this crucial message.

As the end of 2016 approaches, our teams at Israel365, Breaking Israel News and The Israel Bible would like to wish you and yours a very happy holiday season and a blessed New Year. We look forward to another meaningful year with your support. May you experience in your life the fulfillment of God’s Biblical promise in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you.”

With Blessings from Israel,

Rabbi Tuly Weisz
Israel365, Breaking Israel News, and The Israel Bible

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