Wikileaks Exposes John McCain’s Illegal Request for Campaign Cash From Russian Ambassador Who Suddenly Died Monday in NYC

The John McCain Russian saga keeps getting more bizarre. Sen. John McCain as a presidential candidate in 2008 directly and illegally propositioned Vitaly Churkin, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations, to donate to the McCain/Sarah Palin GOP ticket, according to documents released by Wikileaks.
Since the 2016 presidential election in Nov., Sen. McCain has accused Russia of hacking and meddling in U.S. politics and President Donald Trump’s successful campaign. But ironically it was McCain himself who forced Russia to interfere in the 2008 presidential campaign by asking the ambassador and Russian embassy for a campaign contribution.
Adding intrigue to an already bizarre story, True Pundit recently contacted Russia’s Permanent Mission (embassy) in New York for comment from Ambassador Churkin regarding McCain’s unorthodox written request for money. By Tuesday, however, diplomatic staff reported Ambassador Churkin had died suddenly at the embassy late Monday. NBC News has framed the death as suspicious.

Nonetheless, at the time of McCain’s presidential campaign, however, Churkin and the Russian government fired off a terse letter and official statement to the senior U.S. senator’s request for thousands in cash to his campaign.
Russian officials clearly understood that McCain’s request was not legal per U.S. law which forbids foreign governments from contributing money or assistance to presidential campaigns and U.S. presidential candidates from seeking foreign donations. Apparently McCain didn’t know this or simply ignored it before sending his Sept. 29th letter addressed directly and personally to Churkin at the Russian embassy on 67th Street in Manhattan.
McCain offered the Russians a chance to use any major credit card to donate $5,000 or even more. To be fair, McCain’s letter reads much like a normal campaign fundraising letter seeking contributions and likely would have gone unnoticed except that Churkin was compelled to release an official statement from the Russian government rebuking the request, which in part read:
The Russian response to McCain’s campaign which was leaked to and verified by Wikileaks is below and at Wikileaks.

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