Rush Limbaugh tells listeners to ‘avoid the crap’ and stop watching mainstream media
Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh told listeners that they should go a “drive-by media fast” and skip watching and reading the mainstream media in order to life a more optimistic life. He made the comments Monday on his popular radio show.
“Do you want to live a better life?” he asked his audience. “Do you really want to have a normal optimistic outlook on life everyday?”
Don’t watch that stuff! Don’t watch CNN, don’t read the New York Times. If you look at Drudge, and if you see headlines that portend the end of the world tomorrow, don’t click on it. Just avoid the crap that pollutes the daily “so-called” news that comes from left-wing news organizations.
You will be amazed. When it doesn’t take long either. Just two days. You go on a drive-by media fast, two days of it, and your outlook on life will be dramatically improved. You won’t believe it.
He addressed what he thought might be an common objection from people saying, “I gotta stay focused on the opposition.”
“No you don’t,” Limbaugh asserted. “I’ll do that for ya. I’ll tell you what they’re up to. And as a bonus, I’ll nuke it! Yu don’t need to expose – that’s why, one of the many reasons I’m here.”
“I know how to do this without it ruining my life,” he continued. “I know how to do this without it ruining my day. That’s why I’m here to run interference, to be the boundaries for you. I don’t watch half of this stuff anymore. Because it’s so predictable. And it’s so boring, and frankly, a lot of it is really just lame.”
It’s just lame, some of the analysis that you get to explain things out there. And there’s more speculating – y’know everyone thinks they’re a political tactician, so you’ll take – like this Obamacare versus tax story. You won’t believe the number of blogs that you will read, with the possibilities of what this means.
“And it’ll all be wild guesses rooted in esteemed political analysis,” he concluded, “and none of it is going to be based on anything factual beyond what is known. And it’s all to get clicks, and it’s all to get eyeballs and this kind of things. Stick to me, folks, and you won’t be led astray.
“Drive-by media” is a pejorative that Limbaugh uses to deride the media by comparing them to drive-by attacks by gang members. Limbaugh has been a stalwart defender of Trump, who seems to have taken on the tactic of attacking the press from radio talk hosts like Limbaugh and his colleagues.
President Trump, meanwhile, continued his assault on the media by castigating themas “enemies of the American people,” something even Republicans decried as overly authoritarian.
Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh told listeners that they should go a “drive-by media fast” and skip watching and reading the mainstream media in order to life a more optimistic life. He made the comments Monday on his popular radio show.
“Do you want to live a better life?” he asked his audience. “Do you really want to have a normal optimistic outlook on life everyday?”
Don’t watch that stuff! Don’t watch CNN, don’t read the New York Times. If you look at Drudge, and if you see headlines that portend the end of the world tomorrow, don’t click on it. Just avoid the crap that pollutes the daily “so-called” news that comes from left-wing news organizations.You will be amazed. When it doesn’t take long either. Just two days. You go on a drive-by media fast, two days of it, and your outlook on life will be dramatically improved. You won’t believe it.
He addressed what he thought might be an common objection from people saying, “I gotta stay focused on the opposition.”
“No you don’t,” Limbaugh asserted. “I’ll do that for ya. I’ll tell you what they’re up to. And as a bonus, I’ll nuke it! Yu don’t need to expose – that’s why, one of the many reasons I’m here.”
“I know how to do this without it ruining my life,” he continued. “I know how to do this without it ruining my day. That’s why I’m here to run interference, to be the boundaries for you. I don’t watch half of this stuff anymore. Because it’s so predictable. And it’s so boring, and frankly, a lot of it is really just lame.”
It’s just lame, some of the analysis that you get to explain things out there. And there’s more speculating – y’know everyone thinks they’re a political tactician, so you’ll take – like this Obamacare versus tax story. You won’t believe the number of blogs that you will read, with the possibilities of what this means.
“And it’ll all be wild guesses rooted in esteemed political analysis,” he concluded, “and none of it is going to be based on anything factual beyond what is known. And it’s all to get clicks, and it’s all to get eyeballs and this kind of things. Stick to me, folks, and you won’t be led astray.
“Drive-by media” is a pejorative that Limbaugh uses to deride the media by comparing them to drive-by attacks by gang members. Limbaugh has been a stalwart defender of Trump, who seems to have taken on the tactic of attacking the press from radio talk hosts like Limbaugh and his colleagues.
President Trump, meanwhile, continued his assault on the media by castigating themas “enemies of the American people,” something even Republicans decried as overly authoritarian.
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bluebyrd44 on said:
59,220 points
I unplugged years ago…from all leftist media propaganda…including their TV shows…which are little more than clever vehicles to implant their worldview in your mind and emotions. I don’t subscribe to their magazines, newspapers, …don’t watch their movies,…or their cable news. If enough of you will do this will eventually put these arseholes out of business. Look at it like a war…and you are sacrificing…even when you want to watch…for a greater cause…Hurt them…don’t let them get to you.
kanthonyb on said:
15,710 points
As I read all the comments on this article, I am very conflicted.
Many, many of the things that Trump campaigned on are near and dear to my political heart; smaller government, lower taxes, returning power to the States, border security and national sovereignty, congressional term limits, ”swamp draining”, climate sensibility, jobs and economic independence, etc.
Do I believe that he will achieve all these campaign promises? Hardly. Do I believe that he really intended to try in all cases? Anyone who’s read his ”philosophy” on designing, developing and closing a deal knows that he did not. Did he underestimate the differences between being CEO and being President? I think so. CEO’s generally can tell the Board what to do and expect it to happen. Presidents are just one equal partner in a multi-partner enterprise, and he can’t fire any of the others when they disagree with his methods or direction.
His use of Twitter is new to our presidential scene – not wrong, just different – and those inside the political realm don’t know how to respond to anything new. What really bothers the press most is that they expect to be allowed to behave badly and still be respected. They’ve forgotten that their rights come with responsibilities.
For the sake of our nation, I would really like the President to succeed in his efforts to restore government to the people. I would also like for our representatives to grow up and begin acting like adults. I wish they’d realize how stupid they look when their partisan bickering sets the tone for all the headlines – everywhere.
More importantly, I’d love for the voting public to get their heads out of the sand and actually think about the issues of the day for themselves. I wish they’d stop relying on someone else to tell them what to think. I wish they’d think with their heads instead of their emotions. I wish they’d stop voting for people to represent them that have no intention of doing so.
Oh, and I also wish the President would stop referring to himself in the third person – that’s just weird.
JoeShawler on said:
16,700 points
WAY too late Mr. Limbaugh… I stopped watching the ”main stream media” YEARS ago. In fact, thinking back, I bet it has been more than 20 years since I watched one of their broadcasts. I learned to do my own investigations… after all, I am the only one responsible for my point of view on things today.
Chump1026 on said:
16,610 points
I absolutely agree with Rush on this one!!! Life is better is you don’t listen to their garbage…. If I thought they were even close to being unbiased, I’d consider listening…. But over the last 8 years, it has become VERY apparent that it will never happen….
1911- 45 on said:
64,890 points
90% of republicans believe that the media lies, 70% of independence believe the media lies, and 39% of democrats believe that the media lies.
jazzj on said:
136,620 points
That infers that 10% of republicans, 30% of independents and 61% of democrats are none to smart!!
jr23 on said:
58,230 points
dropped sat last november no cnn msnbc or even fx i hit several internet sites and get more news and saved 600 bucks on said:
7,480 points
I live in Atlanta so sometimes it’s hard to walk into any business and ask the manager to change the station if CNN is on because they are the home town crew here same-thing with TBS TNT True TV and a ton of others lots of home town boys here. So its a little different than say I’m in Nashville and I go into a restaurant and they have CNN on then they have no problem at all changing it but here in Atlanta its not the case. I’ve never been to their tour or inside their building, and don’t plan to ever go. I’m not gonna give them money to see how they Lie to us over and over again. They used to be extremely reliable but I think that was when Ted Turner owned them.
DarkOne on said:
13,840 points
He’s right. I have done this. I have to do it to avoid being utterly depressed at times. I’ll read some left wing news thing and get all out of joint and then find out the next day (from other sources) that it was overblown leftist doomsday rot. I mean where can you get real news anymore anyway? Most of the media is so corrupt you can’t believe half the stuff they say for a start. Thank goodness the Blaze is fairly accurate but I usually have to read three or four stories on a subject to get close to the truth so I can filter out all the left wing ”opinion” about what dumb thing they think the President did today.
Logic900 on said:
1,260 points
+1. I used to watch CNN primarily just to observe the hypocrisy of the left and I was amazed at their agenda based reporting. For some reason I just couldn’t look away even though I disagreed with almost everything. After the Russia election scapegoating w unnamed sources from the same intelligence communities that are now leaking info from the Trump administration I had to stop.
It’s not that I agree about everything Trump does or anyone for that matter but I prefer to read about my news. Finding the truth takes work but I am much happier to have stopped watching leftist media.
onemagtek on said:
3,290 points
Limbaugh is twisting himself into pretzels trying to defend and justify the Trump administration’s actions and policies. I know he is smart enough to know the truth…that Trump is a buffon with little to no knowledge, experience or grasp of domestic or foreign policy issues. But there’s Rush, every day casting ”the left” as the evil force trying to bring our country down. In Rush’s world, there is no such thing as a decent, smart, honest or hard-working liberal or democrat. Everything is black or white (pun intended). GOP good. Democrat bad.
The scary thing is that this propagandist is actually convincing his followers (sheep) that he is telling them the unvarnished truth. They fall for this easily debunked philosophy of his.
For those that think everything that Limbaugh spouts is gospel, ask yourself this: would Jesus agree with everything Trump has done and said? Would Jesus be a Trump supporter?
And please…do not bring up crooked Hillary…I don’t think Jesus would be a fan and neither am I.
bowens6369 on said:
1,020 points
Limbaugh has admitted he does not have to be truthful as he is intertainment
onemagtek on said:
3,290 points
Rush Limbaugh: Everyone put their head in the sand and put all of your faith and trust in Donald Trump to do the right thing for America. Do not question anything your government says or does, just stay stay willfully ignorant and blindly loyal.
Did I get the gist of Rush’s premise correct?
JamesMadison1179 on said:
7,560 points
You got it. For years he’s been all about educating yourself and spouting doom and gloom. Now it’s time to ignore anything negative and don’t try to search for truth on your own, just believe EVERYTHING he says as truth. You don’t need to look anywhere else. Ignore everything that doesn’t come from him. It took one election for him to go from relevant to a principle folding shill for a golfing buddy.
Buh Bye Libs on said:
50,050 points
”If you don’t read the newspapers, you’re uninformed. If you do read them, you’re misinformed” (Mark Twain)
deanbob on said:
67,700 points
So, the answer is one must do their own research and verification.
Freedombeliever on said:
92,280 points
I haven’t watched any of the alphabet news channels for at least a decade. I watch my local FOX channel for local news on occasion but 90% of my news I get online on sites I trust to present unbiased truth. One HUGE pet peeve I have is to walk into an establishment to see they have the clinton news network playing on their background TV. Next step – I am going to start complaining to management.
dicckky2 on said:
10,860 points
Me too–As soon as I see cnn-I will respectfully ask the manager if I can change it to FOX NEWS–and 9 times out of 10 they say absolutely–”it’s a corporate directive unless a customer ask us to change it”-Hurry Please-or I’ll do it enthusiastically!!!!
LaterThanSooner on said:
3,250 points
Trumpbaugh doesn’t think his listeners are a smart enough to discern the difference between facts and opinion of the MSM. What is he saying about his audience?
MacJedi on said:
1,500 points
And don’t watch the Weather Channel either.
dicckky2 on said:
10,860 points
I know- everyday-it’s always a hidden narrative about Global Warming–I saw today where they showed a 100 mile crack in the antartica and said an iceberg as big as maryland is ready to dislodge that will raise the sea level 4 inches–They tell stories like this with glee!!!!
thomaspain on said:
155,530 points
Been ignoring the media for years, much happier for it. If I want propaganda, I’d move to Russia or turn on network ”news”.
JamesMadison1179 on said:
7,560 points
or listen to Rush or Sean
AltFactsMovement on said:
11,300 points
Yes, avoid the MSM because they are reporting facts and that doesn’t help you be good little sheep. We need to you to not believe them so that we can pass bills that don’t help the working class, but instead make the rich, richer.
bluebyrd44 on said:
59,220 points
I unplugged years ago…from all leftist media propaganda…including their TV shows…which are little more than clever vehicles to implant their worldview in your mind and emotions. I don’t subscribe to their magazines, newspapers, …don’t watch their movies,…or their cable news. If enough of you will do this will eventually put these arseholes out of business. Look at it like a war…and you are sacrificing…even when you want to watch…for a greater cause…Hurt them…don’t let them get to you.
kanthonyb on said:
15,710 points
As I read all the comments on this article, I am very conflicted.
Many, many of the things that Trump campaigned on are near and dear to my political heart; smaller government, lower taxes, returning power to the States, border security and national sovereignty, congressional term limits, ”swamp draining”, climate sensibility, jobs and economic independence, etc.
Do I believe that he will achieve all these campaign promises? Hardly. Do I believe that he really intended to try in all cases? Anyone who’s read his ”philosophy” on designing, developing and closing a deal knows that he did not. Did he underestimate the differences between being CEO and being President? I think so. CEO’s generally can tell the Board what to do and expect it to happen. Presidents are just one equal partner in a multi-partner enterprise, and he can’t fire any of the others when they disagree with his methods or direction.
His use of Twitter is new to our presidential scene – not wrong, just different – and those inside the political realm don’t know how to respond to anything new. What really bothers the press most is that they expect to be allowed to behave badly and still be respected. They’ve forgotten that their rights come with responsibilities.
For the sake of our nation, I would really like the President to succeed in his efforts to restore government to the people. I would also like for our representatives to grow up and begin acting like adults. I wish they’d realize how stupid they look when their partisan bickering sets the tone for all the headlines – everywhere.
More importantly, I’d love for the voting public to get their heads out of the sand and actually think about the issues of the day for themselves. I wish they’d stop relying on someone else to tell them what to think. I wish they’d think with their heads instead of their emotions. I wish they’d stop voting for people to represent them that have no intention of doing so.
Oh, and I also wish the President would stop referring to himself in the third person – that’s just weird.
Many, many of the things that Trump campaigned on are near and dear to my political heart; smaller government, lower taxes, returning power to the States, border security and national sovereignty, congressional term limits, ”swamp draining”, climate sensibility, jobs and economic independence, etc.
Do I believe that he will achieve all these campaign promises? Hardly. Do I believe that he really intended to try in all cases? Anyone who’s read his ”philosophy” on designing, developing and closing a deal knows that he did not. Did he underestimate the differences between being CEO and being President? I think so. CEO’s generally can tell the Board what to do and expect it to happen. Presidents are just one equal partner in a multi-partner enterprise, and he can’t fire any of the others when they disagree with his methods or direction.
His use of Twitter is new to our presidential scene – not wrong, just different – and those inside the political realm don’t know how to respond to anything new. What really bothers the press most is that they expect to be allowed to behave badly and still be respected. They’ve forgotten that their rights come with responsibilities.
For the sake of our nation, I would really like the President to succeed in his efforts to restore government to the people. I would also like for our representatives to grow up and begin acting like adults. I wish they’d realize how stupid they look when their partisan bickering sets the tone for all the headlines – everywhere.
More importantly, I’d love for the voting public to get their heads out of the sand and actually think about the issues of the day for themselves. I wish they’d stop relying on someone else to tell them what to think. I wish they’d think with their heads instead of their emotions. I wish they’d stop voting for people to represent them that have no intention of doing so.
Oh, and I also wish the President would stop referring to himself in the third person – that’s just weird.
JoeShawler on said:
16,700 points
WAY too late Mr. Limbaugh… I stopped watching the ”main stream media” YEARS ago. In fact, thinking back, I bet it has been more than 20 years since I watched one of their broadcasts. I learned to do my own investigations… after all, I am the only one responsible for my point of view on things today.
Chump1026 on said:
16,610 points
I absolutely agree with Rush on this one!!! Life is better is you don’t listen to their garbage…. If I thought they were even close to being unbiased, I’d consider listening…. But over the last 8 years, it has become VERY apparent that it will never happen….
1911- 45 on said:
64,890 points
90% of republicans believe that the media lies, 70% of independence believe the media lies, and 39% of democrats believe that the media lies.
jazzj on said:
136,620 points
That infers that 10% of republicans, 30% of independents and 61% of democrats are none to smart!!
jr23 on said:
58,230 points
dropped sat last november no cnn msnbc or even fx i hit several internet sites and get more news and saved 600 bucks on said:
7,480 points
I live in Atlanta so sometimes it’s hard to walk into any business and ask the manager to change the station if CNN is on because they are the home town crew here same-thing with TBS TNT True TV and a ton of others lots of home town boys here. So its a little different than say I’m in Nashville and I go into a restaurant and they have CNN on then they have no problem at all changing it but here in Atlanta its not the case. I’ve never been to their tour or inside their building, and don’t plan to ever go. I’m not gonna give them money to see how they Lie to us over and over again. They used to be extremely reliable but I think that was when Ted Turner owned them.
DarkOne on said:
13,840 points
He’s right. I have done this. I have to do it to avoid being utterly depressed at times. I’ll read some left wing news thing and get all out of joint and then find out the next day (from other sources) that it was overblown leftist doomsday rot. I mean where can you get real news anymore anyway? Most of the media is so corrupt you can’t believe half the stuff they say for a start. Thank goodness the Blaze is fairly accurate but I usually have to read three or four stories on a subject to get close to the truth so I can filter out all the left wing ”opinion” about what dumb thing they think the President did today.
Logic900 on said:
1,260 points
+1. I used to watch CNN primarily just to observe the hypocrisy of the left and I was amazed at their agenda based reporting. For some reason I just couldn’t look away even though I disagreed with almost everything. After the Russia election scapegoating w unnamed sources from the same intelligence communities that are now leaking info from the Trump administration I had to stop.
It’s not that I agree about everything Trump does or anyone for that matter but I prefer to read about my news. Finding the truth takes work but I am much happier to have stopped watching leftist media.
onemagtek on said:
3,290 points
Limbaugh is twisting himself into pretzels trying to defend and justify the Trump administration’s actions and policies. I know he is smart enough to know the truth…that Trump is a buffon with little to no knowledge, experience or grasp of domestic or foreign policy issues. But there’s Rush, every day casting ”the left” as the evil force trying to bring our country down. In Rush’s world, there is no such thing as a decent, smart, honest or hard-working liberal or democrat. Everything is black or white (pun intended). GOP good. Democrat bad.
The scary thing is that this propagandist is actually convincing his followers (sheep) that he is telling them the unvarnished truth. They fall for this easily debunked philosophy of his.
For those that think everything that Limbaugh spouts is gospel, ask yourself this: would Jesus agree with everything Trump has done and said? Would Jesus be a Trump supporter?
And please…do not bring up crooked Hillary…I don’t think Jesus would be a fan and neither am I.
bowens6369 on said:
1,020 points
Limbaugh has admitted he does not have to be truthful as he is intertainment
onemagtek on said:
3,290 points
Rush Limbaugh: Everyone put their head in the sand and put all of your faith and trust in Donald Trump to do the right thing for America. Do not question anything your government says or does, just stay stay willfully ignorant and blindly loyal.
Did I get the gist of Rush’s premise correct?
JamesMadison1179 on said:
7,560 points
You got it. For years he’s been all about educating yourself and spouting doom and gloom. Now it’s time to ignore anything negative and don’t try to search for truth on your own, just believe EVERYTHING he says as truth. You don’t need to look anywhere else. Ignore everything that doesn’t come from him. It took one election for him to go from relevant to a principle folding shill for a golfing buddy.
Buh Bye Libs on said:
50,050 points
”If you don’t read the newspapers, you’re uninformed. If you do read them, you’re misinformed” (Mark Twain)
deanbob on said:
67,700 points
So, the answer is one must do their own research and verification.
Freedombeliever on said:
92,280 points
I haven’t watched any of the alphabet news channels for at least a decade. I watch my local FOX channel for local news on occasion but 90% of my news I get online on sites I trust to present unbiased truth. One HUGE pet peeve I have is to walk into an establishment to see they have the clinton news network playing on their background TV. Next step – I am going to start complaining to management.
dicckky2 on said:
10,860 points
Me too–As soon as I see cnn-I will respectfully ask the manager if I can change it to FOX NEWS–and 9 times out of 10 they say absolutely–”it’s a corporate directive unless a customer ask us to change it”-Hurry Please-or I’ll do it enthusiastically!!!!
LaterThanSooner on said:
3,250 points
Trumpbaugh doesn’t think his listeners are a smart enough to discern the difference between facts and opinion of the MSM. What is he saying about his audience?
MacJedi on said:
1,500 points
And don’t watch the Weather Channel either.
dicckky2 on said:
10,860 points
I know- everyday-it’s always a hidden narrative about Global Warming–I saw today where they showed a 100 mile crack in the antartica and said an iceberg as big as maryland is ready to dislodge that will raise the sea level 4 inches–They tell stories like this with glee!!!!
thomaspain on said:
155,530 points
Been ignoring the media for years, much happier for it. If I want propaganda, I’d move to Russia or turn on network ”news”.
JamesMadison1179 on said:
7,560 points
or listen to Rush or Sean
AltFactsMovement on said:
11,300 points
Yes, avoid the MSM because they are reporting facts and that doesn’t help you be good little sheep. We need to you to not believe them so that we can pass bills that don’t help the working class, but instead make the rich, richer.