John B Wells on Israeli News Live uncensored. This interview with John has been unedited, it is very provocative at times and some may find offensive. I felt that John should have the plat form to speak his convictions, he has always done so on Caravan to Midnight with his guest. So we wanted to give him the same liberty as he has allowed us and many others.
In this broadcast Taking Back America, John speaks from his heart what is happening on a Global scale. He sees the Europeans Crises the demoralization of the EU and how the unhendered access of refugees has contributed to the massive rape and crime. John B Wells sees America headed in the same direction and that Trumps policies are what may turn America around.
Caravan To Midnight:
In this broadcast Taking Back America, John speaks from his heart what is happening on a Global scale. He sees the Europeans Crises the demoralization of the EU and how the unhendered access of refugees has contributed to the massive rape and crime. John B Wells sees America headed in the same direction and that Trumps policies are what may turn America around.
Caravan To Midnight: