When this punk beat and bloodied a desperate state
trooper, he didn't count on a cowboy showing up. That's when he felt a bit of
free-range justice. It was all caught on video, too... take a look! Read more…
One huge employer just took a huge stand against
California liberals... here's why they're deserting Cali over the state's
anti-business policies. We get the feeling this will only be the first company
of many... Read more…
When the Iranian government told this reigning U.S. chess
champion that she had to put on a Muslim head veil in order to compete in the
world competition, she instantly knew what she had to do - and her response is
making major waves. Read more…
Michelle Obama just got some devastating news, and we
couldn't be more thrilled... here's what just happened to the former first lady
that should make EVERY American happy. Awesome! Read more…
The gruesome abortions performed by Dr. Kermit Gosnell are
simply beyond words. As soon as he opened his mouth about Will Smith, everyone's
jaws instantly hit the floor... Read more…
Defense Secretary 'Mad Dog' Mattis just took a page out of
Trump's playbook by doing THIS at the Pentagon. It's no wonder Donald Trump
chose him... Read more…