Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Herzog Warns Israel to Prepare for Jews Fleeing Anti-Semitism in America

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February 28, 2017 / 2 Adar 5777

Headlines & Recommended
Herzog Warns Israel to Prepare for Jews Fleeing Anti-Semitism in America

Hana Levi Julian
"I call on the government to urgently prepare... a national emergency plan for possible waves of immigration of our Jewish brothers to Israel."

US President Trump Condemns 5th Wave of Bomb Threats to JCCs, Jewish Day Schools

Hana Levi Julian
"The President continues to condemn these and any other form of anti-Semitic and hateful acts in the strongest terms," Spicer said.

AG Sessions: Anti-Semitic Threats ‘Unacceptable’

This–the fifth–round of bomb threats against Jewish institutions this year raised angry responses from Jewish community leaders, who have been calling for a more serious and aggressive federal response to the problem.

Keep Calm and…Keep Calm

J. E. Dyer
The mainstream media and the Left keep telling you everything is in chaos and everyone hates Trump.None of it's true. It’s amazing how much of the supposedly factual reporting turns out to be false.

Read more Headlines & Recommended articles

The Yishai Fleisher Show
Executing Terrorists?
Why did Elor Azaria get only a year and a half sentence for executing a downed terrorist? Malkah Fleisher joins Yishai for some rowdy Jewish radio from the heartland.

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Tears, Songs as Ofra Residents Leave Homes
'The injustice we have suffered here is that we never even got our day in court.'

Police Converging on Ofra as 9 Homes Evacuation Begins
According to the IDF Spokesperson, the Kfir family is posing the greatest problem for security forces.

Knesset Approves National Biometric Database
Every Israeli receiving or renewing their ID or passport will be required to replace them with a smart biometric document.

Farewell to Chabad Lubavitch Chassidic Master of Melodies, Eli Lipsker, z’l
Eli’s recordings of Jewish music opened a path for other observant Jewish musicians and vocalists, and created an entirely new genre.

Rocket Alert: Gaza Border – 5:16 PM
The rocket alert sounded along the Gaza border.

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Zionism is Not Racism

Commentary Magazine
41 years later, Columbia University students are still equating Zionism with racism.

The Rabbi In The Basement

Elaine Rosenberg Miller
I had not seen a black hat in... years.

Keep Calm and…Keep Calm

J. E. Dyer
The mainstream media and the Left keep telling you everything is in chaos and everyone hates Trump.None of it's true. It’s amazing how much of the supposedly factual reporting turns out to be false.

Emunah, Omanah And Omanut: Faith, Fostering And Art

Adina Hershberg
I had no idea what Down syndrome is and I was happy that I'd have a little sister.

On the Bookshelf

Elliot Resnick
I was blessed with a mother who was an avid reader, and she set a magnificent example of love of reading and love of learning.

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Linda Sarsour, Progressive-Left Ideals, and Diaspora Jewry
Israel Thrives
Michael Lumish
Two of the most significant political questions in the West today are immigration policy and identity politics. Linda Sarsour, stands at the crux of both and poses a dilemma for pro-Israel world Jewry

For A While Gaza Actually Was Another Singapore — Before They Blew It In the 1970’s
Guest Blog
Bennett Ruda
The truth is that for a while, in the 1970's, Gaza rivaled -- and even surpassed -- Singapore, now Hamas says with pride it has no interest in becoming another Singapore.

Extremism and Protesting WoW
Emes Ve-Emunah
Harry Maryles
Once again at the Kotel, WoW did their monthly thing at the Kotel, promoting Feminism, definitely NOT Torah Judaism

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JewishPress.com Radio
The Tamar Yonah Show – What Does Judaism Say About Witches and Curses? [audio]
The Tamar Yonah Show
Israel News Talk Radio
Do witches really exist today? Do curses have any real power?

Rejuvenation: An Ethiopian Jewess’s Epic-urean Journey [audio]
Rejuvenation with Eve Harow
The Land of Israel
An epic journey walking from Sudan to Israel in the ’80’s was just the opening course of this extraordinary woman’s life. Listen as Yuvi Tashome shares her story with Eve Harow in this mid-cooking class interview.
Rejuvenation: An Ethiopian Jewess’s Epic-urean Journey

Goldstein on Gelt: Are You Prepared for the Next Market Crash?
Goldstein on Gelt
Doug Goldstein, CFP®
Is creating a trust appropriate for your estate plan? Learn about the ramifications of trusts on probate, inheritance, and maintaining control of your assets.

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