Monday, July 31, 2017

Chelsea Clinton Caught Spreading Fake News!

Published on Jul 31, 2017

Chelsea Clinton just got busted spreading fake news, and then issues a pathetic apology which was almost just as bad as the nonsense she was spreading on social media. Subscribe now for more videos every day, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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COMMENTS • 2,066

Mark Dice 
 Pinned by Mark Dice
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Kevin Potts
Then why do you watch? Why don't you go watch CNN and MSNBC?
DEploribus Unum 
He acts like one of the tards that does.
S L 
His name was Seth Rich. Bill Clinton is a rapist. Pizzagate is real. Obama is a muslim. McCain is a traitor. Hillary for Prison.
Isn't that so cute RocketmanRockyMatrix is sleeping like a baby. Wake up little one and join the real world. Do some fucking research and you might find out some things that you didn't know. If not shut the fuck up no one cares about your opinion. Every company has cloth napkins folded to look like little boys underwear in their adds. Sure if you say so. Have you not seen the emails about the menu for old pizza that has to go and its up to the buyer to get rid of them. What the hell does that even mean if they are actually talking about pizza?
Andrew Andrew 
S L Brilliant👍
K Dawg 
Gotta admit it, Chelsea does look like a donkey.
Rhonda Moore 
Exactly! ! Because a donkey/jack would run from Cuntllary.
That's a dirty lie; it wasn't artificial. Lies make the baby Jesus cry!
J K Rowling is FAKE NEWS
Tommy Hammond 
Hairy Potter is boring.
Back in the day, she would've been burned at the stake for writing about witchcraft.
Oh, and will somebody PLEASE TELL Chelsea her momma can't even win a RIGGED election! 😂😂😂
Julio Cesar Hoyos 
@Χριστός... Your comment just made my week! This is the kind of material professional comedians come up with!
The fake news had Hillary leading in every poll.
I haven't seen a lead blown that bad until Super Bowl 51.
FUCK YOU JK ROWLING. Stick to writing witchcraft and leave American politics alone!
So quick to criticize the US government, but never her own country's!
Geoff Lever 
OneUltimateWarrior Yes she does because she is anti Brexit and also a liberal who hates the Conservative government. Try getting your facts right before you comment, otherwise you're no different than her.
Ali Nadem 
Joel Najar 
I'm glad Conor is pro Trump
Fresh Steve 
Alex Amparo 
Liberals are all for kids, while they're all for killing babies? Wth
Feminist Ate My gf 
Fetuses aren't considered a living human beings to them.
bp sun 
When blind rabid hatred for a good man also blinds you to the truth and reality.. you end up with creatures like J.K. Rowling and Chelsea Clinton.
Kristine Bos 
hahaha. who's the good man here?
you should call her Chelsea Hubbell :) Cos her dad is hubbell...
Brian Aitchison 
Once again we see just how dumb and spiteful these liberal morons are. MAGA President Trump. May the liberal scum and their friend John McCain go to hell.
Bob Burton 
If you ever wondered what a Cabbage Patch kid would look like grown up? I give you Chelsea Clinton.
John Gayle 
lmao! thats a good one!
Felipe Castillo 
more like a garbage pail kid hahaha
I have a friend who WAS a staunch liberal - the kind that reflexively considered conservative thought 'evil'. His entire political awareness was largely derived from liberal headlines/word of mouth lies. It took 3 years of exposing him to the 'full story' as it were regarding any given issue spun by liberal media, to show him that liberals were being conned and that the side of the issue(s) being presented to them was (were) a false construct(s). He is now woke, and pissed off.
Emily Shmemily 
4stronaut keep up the good work!
Dale Gribble 
4stronaut yeah but at the same time the old school conservatives are just as bad as the democrats I'm starting to feel like we've been infiltrated by a Trojan horse where democrats at heart register as republicans to play the system.
Angel with the Phonebox 
JK Rowling is a lying cunt, and needs to stfu about our politics at any rate. Ditto for Chelsea.
pig demon Rosie 😂😂
This is one of the best examples of media spin/fake news I think I've seen.
Frk K 
Never had any interest in the Harry Potter stuff and now never will have any interest in that goofy woman's work. Add another to the boycott list.
Pam Wilson 
Maybe Cheltard should get her facts before spreading fake news...oh wait, she's in the Clinton Crime Family. Lies are their business.
D Lish 
Wow JK Rowling is a truly insufferable and terrible person. She literally lied to all of her millions of followers. What she claimed happened, didn't happen and the young boy's mother proved it. JK Rowling bore false witness against President Trump and used a child to promote her own political agenda, an agenda which the boy's mother doesn't even agree with. What an evil, vile snake you are, JK Rowling. I hope you read this. 
Hawk Moe 
J.K.Rowling is a CUNT... as the Brits would say...
They are so fucking bad at lying. They're digging their own grave.

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