Monday, July 31, 2017

Sign the Petition by signing the National Petition to Investigate Planned Parenthood today?

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Fellow Pro-Life American,
Obama-appointed Judge William Orrick held David Daleiden and his defense attorneys in contempt of court last week and ordered them to pay a $137,000 fine.
But meanwhile, Planned Parenthood continues to get away with selling baby body parts to the highest bidder!
It is way past time for a federal investigation of the Planned Parenthood crime ring.
Will you please help us demand an investigation of their felonious sale of aborted baby body parts by signing the National Petition to Investigate Planned Parenthood today?

We need your immediate help to ensure that these abortionists lose all federal funding and are criminally indicted this year.
My name is Troy Newman. I am the president of Operation Rescue. And with the help and prayers of pro-life allies just like you, Operation Rescue has made its name as the biggest threat to Planned Parenthood's abortion business.
We've been on the frontline of exposing these criminals for their horrific and illegal sale of baby body parts for decades. We expose their criminal abortionists. We shed light on their disgusting abortion mills and tell the stories of the women and children they abuse.
To this day, we are doing everything we can to continue investigating them.
But right now, my good friends David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt are facing very serious charges.
Just weeks ago, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra - who has a 100% approval rating from Planned Parenthood - re-filed felony charges against these pro-life warriors.
And now, Obama-appointed Judge Orrick has held David in contempt of court.
With each passing day, the stakes are getting higher. We must demand an investigation of the REAL criminals before it's too late.
Will you please help us do that by signing the national petition today?
Planned Parenthood is probably laughing right now.
I'm sure they're thrilled these pro-life heroes have been held in contempt of court and are being charged with 15 felony counts.
But when Congress revokes their taxpayer funding and they have to answer to the 15 criminal referrals recommended by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, they won't be laughing anymore.
I believe that we can make this vision a reality. I believe we can shut down this murderous organization once and for all.
But I'm depending on your help to demand that the federal authorities take the necessary steps to make this vision a reality. Please sign the petition right away.
In 2015, David and Sandra bravely exposed that Planned Parenthood was harvesting the body parts of aborted babies and selling them for profit.
Now they're facing serious prison time because radical abortion extremists want "payback."
This is one of the biggest emergencies the pro-life movement has ever faced.
Everyone must understand what is happening here: these two heroes are about to be put on trial for the "crime" of exposing Planned Parenthood and changing the national conversation on abortion.
If they're convicted, any pro-life American who speaks out against these murderers could be next. It could be me. It could be YOU!
But with your help, we can fight back against Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry and get justice for the unborn. Please help us do that by signing the National Petition to Investigate Planned Parenthood today!
Faithfully yours,
Troy Newman
Operation Rescue

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