You won’t believe Obama’s plan to protect election day for foerign actors.

In the run up to the 2016 Presidential election, the US government became increasingly worried about a possible election day cyber attack. In the aftermath of the Russia’s hacking and subsequent release of emails from the DNC in July 2016, it became clear to the public that someone somewhere was trying to influence the election. Although many news outlets had been reporting since June that the DNC had been hacked by the Russian’s, it still was not clear to the public if the leaked DNC emails had been acquired via Russian hacking.
While the hacking of the DNC may have alerted the public’s collective consciousness to the topic, the US Intelligence community was already aware that someone was trying to influence the election, but unlike the general public, they knew the culprit: Russia. After John Podesta’s emails were hacked back in March 2016, US intelligence began a concerted effort to find out who did it and why.
This search led Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to announce in May, a month before the hacking of the DNC became public, that the US intelligence had seen signs indicating that hackers were targeting the presidential campaigns. This announcement would soon become prophetic, as in June the public would find out that the DNC’s servers had been hacked.
The US intelligence community did not take the time to congratulate themselves on the fulfillment of Director Clapper’s prediction. Instead, they directed their efforts into getting to the bottom of this new hack. This investigation from the US intelligence community concluded that it was Russia that had hacked the DNC, first in the summer of 2015 and then again in the spring of 2016. With that information in hand, a high-level meeting was held between the white house and various intelligence agencies in order to get everyone on the same page. Only days after this meeting, WikiLeaks released the 20,000 hacked DNC emails.
With the knowledge that Russia had tried to interfere in the presidential campaign by hacking the DNC and possibly hacking John Podesta’s email, the Obama administration struggled over what public measures to take against Russia in response. However, while the administration publicly struggled over how to punish Russia, the highest levels of the US government began worrying about something much more important: a cyber attack on the election itself.

What’s Happening Now:
This past week, Time magazine wrote a cover story detailing publicly for the first time the US government’s proposal in the summer and fall of 2016 to stop Russia from hacking the election. In it, they included 15-pages of plans prepared by the Obama administration in October, to prevent a cyber attack on polling places on election day.
As the NY Post reports:
“The Obama administration was poised to send armed federal agents to polling places, deploy the military and launch full-scale counter-propaganda measures in case hackers disrupted the vote on Election Day.”
While extreme, these measures were only to be used in certain emergency situations. As Time explains:
“The 15-page plan, a copy of which was obtained by TIME, stipulates that “in almost all potential cases of malicious cyber activity impacting election infrastructure, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments [would have primary jurisdiction to respond.] ”
But in the case of a “significant incident” the White House had several “enhanced procedures” it was prepared to take.
The plan allowed for the deployment of “armed federal law enforcement agents” to polling places if hackers managed to halt voting. It also foresaw the deployment of “Active and Reserve” military forces and members of the National Guard “upon a request from a federal agency and the direction of the Secretary of Defense or the President.”
While unlikely, the fact that the Obama White House was prepared to send military troops to election polling places to stop voting if hackers had breached the security, shows how serious of a threat our democracy was under from Russia. If our election was at the point where a plan had to be put in place that involved using the military to protect the election, then we cannot assume that this won’t happen again. Unless we want to turn into an African nation where soldiers are stationed at every polling place, the current administration must act swiftly to make sure it’s not possible for anything like this to occur again.
Upon inauguration to the office, each and every President takes an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” It seems it is now President Trump’s turn to do exactly what he swore to do and protect US democracy.
After all, we don’t want to give the Democrats any leg to stand on when there’s another resounding victory in 2020 in they start complaining, do we?
H/T: NY PostTime