Abortion Activist Says Pro-Life People Praying Outside Abortion Clinics is “Abuse and Harassment”
A British politician finds pro-lifers’ efforts to save unborn babies so detestable that he claims even their prayers are an act of “abuse and harassment.”
Earlier this month, Fabian Hamilton, a MP for Leeds North East in England, made the contemptuous statement in a column for the Yorkshire Evening Post.
He called on the government to enact buffer zones around abortion facilities – allegedly to protect women from the “abusive” prayers and support that pro-life advocates offer.
“Unfortunately, women who use abortion centres are becoming regularly exposed to abuse and harassment from anti-abortion activists standing outside the clinic, often kneeling in prayer,” Hamilton wrote, The Christian Institute reports.
Hamilton said he wants pro-life advocates to be punished to “the full extent of the law, under existing harassment laws” if they “deter” women from entering an abortion facility — supposedly even just by kneeling in prayer on a sidewalk nearby.
Here’s more from The Christian Institute:
Hamilton wants the Government to legislate against what he called an “obstruction of women’s freedoms and right to free healthcare”.Dismissing free speech concerns, he claimed their actions were unlawful and called for extra laws against them.The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children said the MP’s comments were “astounding”.“Mr Hamilton is perpetuating the myth that women are being intimidated by the presence of a small number of peaceful people praying near an abortion clinic. Nothing could be further from the truth.“Every year hundreds of women have their lives turned round for the better when they decide to keep their baby after an encounter with a pro-life vigil.”
Of all the attacks against pro-life advocates, this is one of the most outrageous. The idea that a few people kneeling in prayer on a sidewalk amounts to “abuse” is just ridiculous.
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But prayers and Christianity are being openly mocked and attacked in society today. This week, American actor Chris Pratt also was attacked on Twitter just for saying that he was “praying” for a friend who had a heart attack.
Perhaps it is because, no matter how much they publicly deny it, abortion activists realize that there is power in prayer: power to heal, power to change and power to save a life.