Wednesday, February 28, 2018

United Airlines Cuts Ties With NRA But Funds Planned Parenthood Abortion Business ( your tickets fund baby killer terrorist) They have blood on there wings

United Airlines is under fire from conservatives today for cutting ties with the NRA after the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida. However, the air carrier is not willing to cut ties with a Planned Parenthood abortion business that routinely kills over 320,000 unborn children and abortion every year.
In a tweet Saturday, United said it notified the NRA “that we will no longer be offering a discounted rate to their annual meeting” and asked to be removed from the gun-rights group’s website as a partnering business.
That prompted a backlash from pro-life conservatives who noted it still partners with the nations biggest abortion company. Fox News contributor Guy Benson called out United for doing so.
United Airlines is listed as a company that matches gifts to Planned Parenthood, according to watchdgog group 2nd Vote.
“United Airlines supports March of Dimes, which donates to organizations that advise and promote abortion and donates to Planned Parenthood via a MOD Chapter,” the group adds.
As LifeNews previously reported, United Airlines’ previous CEO hosted a fundraiser for the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Although the fundraising Evite has since been taken offline the fundraiser did go through as planned.

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