The D.C. Baptists were given 90 days to remove lesbian pastors.
By Fr. Mark Hodges
The mom was given 15 minutes to decide whether to abort the twin whom doctors said had Down Syndrom.
By Daniel Blackman
The escort's testimony fell apart during cross-examination. New York's star witness against pro-life counselors admits her testimony is false
By LifeSiteNews staff
Dr. Kris Wells has promoted a cartoon comparing Christians to Nazis and defended public sex acts.
By Calvin Freiburger
The bill calls ‘parody marriage’ any form of marriage that 'does not involve one man and one woman.'
By Fr. Mark Hodges
'The Sexual Revolutionaries cannot tolerate the slightest dissent from their fantasy ideology.'
By Doug Mainwaring
‘I Lived on Parker Avenue’ displays the beauty of adoption and choosing life. Premieres March 8.
By Doug Mainwaring
The world has its own religion, but all it can do is condemn without hope of salvation.
By Michael L. Brown
From the very beginning of their existence, at conception, human beings are unique, developing individuals.
By Dorothy Cummings McLean
There's no religion more friendly to truths of nature and history.
By Peter Kwasniewski
The cardinal's fellow bishop in Illinois has banned Sen. Durbin from Communion.
By Claire Chretien
Bishop Paprocki barred an extreme pro-abortion Democrat senator from receiving Communion. More bishops should do likewise.
By Fr. Frank Pavone
Before Pope Francis, the Underground Church in China was starting to peek out of the catacombs. Nowadays, the picture is much darker.
By Steven Mosher
When Cardinal Cupich invokes Cardinal Newman for support, the crisis is clear. Where will the Church hierarchy finally fall on marriage?
By Robert Royal
Seven states across the U.S. are pushing through bills to commodify our children.
By Stacy Manning
LGBTQ activists are celebrating another victory over Christianity and traditional values.
By Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson