Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Record Attendance at Florida Gun Show Amid Calls for Weapons Ban

There’s no better gun salesman than a leftist.

The manager that ran last weekend’s Florida Gun Show in Tampa said he’s never seen a larger crowd. On Saturday, a record-breaking 7,000 people were in attendance and more came on Sunday. That’s despite the fact that Florida was the scene of the nation’s latest horrific mass shooting at a high school.
With this many gun enthusiasts on-site, sales must’ve been through the roof. That’s quite the unintended consequence of leftists who are screaming gun control in the wake of the massacre and the student survivors who have been handed a media platform to spread their anti-gun message. It’s been said before that leftists are the best gun salesmen.

Right along side the national debate on guns is the intense hatred by the Left of the National Rifle Association. The NRA is the scapegoat after each mass shooting in the U.S. but it was a little different this time. The animosity toward the pro-Second Amendment group from the media and the Democrat Party at large has been even more intense. Large corporations like United Airlines, Hertz, and First National Bank of Omaha have dropped business partnerships with the NRA, thus alienating their customers who are members. This, too, has had an unintended consequence because the NRA will undoubtedly see an uptick in new members, even from folks who don’t own guns. 
It’s already happening:

It looks like the #MeToo movement just took on a whole new meaning and from more women to boot! There’s no better feeling when a national tragedy brings freedom-loving Americans together in celebration of our constitutional rights. 

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